I set up a Patreon... it'd been suggested and even requested a few times but I'd not gotten around to it due to... I don't even know, fear? Pride? One of those two emotions kept me from seeking out more financial options in life. And that's... that's stupid. So I'm making another effort.
And soon I'll call the VA and start up the process to re-take some X-rays, scans, MRIs, whatever they need so I can throw all that stuff on the pile of Reasons 250 Bucks A Month Isn't Cutting It. Hopefully with all that ready, the DAV can help me bump my disability up a significant amount.
My therapist is right. I can't expect to be able to support and help and work on other people without doing it for myself first. So yes while getting to a more reliable financial spot will help others too, it also helps me.
And if the Patreon goes well and my stress levels go down, I can probably make comics more than once a week. Which I've been wanting to do for a while now, but I've been spending all my art energy on commissions only. I love Head Trip but it hasn't brought in enough for me to focus on in an immediate sense. So... hopefully that changes now.