How did I forget about this? My artist cousin, Bobby (
Imaginism Studios) was contracted by Borders to create 2 characters for their Christmas/winter advertising. Since Dad lives in the States, he went to his local Borders and snapped some pictures even though he wasn't allowed to and had staff tell him to stop, LOL. He just e-mailed me the pics.
So if you see Marshmallow & Holly at your local Borders, that's Bobby and his girlfriend, Kai. *feels proud*
Hey, even Marshmallow loves Hairspray!! :D
All my shows have gone on hiatus now. Here's wishing & hoping there'll be resolution on the strike soon. I need more Supernatural and Chuck and Pushing Daisies!!!
Well, at least I still have my BBC shows. Robin Hood has been great this season and I can't believe there's only 2 episodes left and they're making us wait an extra week to see them, wah! I'm madly refreshing my f-list waiting for a link for tonight's ep. All the reaction posts in the RH comms aren't helping either!! I've been a Robin/Marian shipper from the start so I've been loving their storyline. I'm also loving Allan this season. Last year, he didn't stand out for me, just kinda faded into the crowd. Hello blue eyes!! How did I not notice them before?? I'm thinking it's the new black wardrobe and boy, does he look good in black.
After RH ends, there's the Doctor Who Christmas special and then in January, there's the new Doctor Who and Torchwood to look forward to.
*returns to refreshing f-list for some Robin/Marian and slashy goodness*