Hello, hello. Finally getting off my lazy ass and posting stuff!
shhhhh pretend it's still Hallowe'en and I actually posted these in a timely manner. Update on the ongoing saga of How Cute is My Niece. She greeted trick-or-treaters at the door and actually got some candy for herself!
And here's a bonus pre-Hallowe'en costume pic
Yep, she's at the Pulling-Herself-Up-to-Stand stage and in the process of learning how to climb stairs which is freaking out my SIL a bit. She hasn't learned depth perception yet and has literally attempted to crawl over the edge of something (ie a bed) headfirst without a care in the world. Breaking news: looks like Juju will have a baby sister/brother in about 8 months :)
Recently spent 4 days in NYC where I saw 5 shows.
Annie The show is closing soon so I'm glad I got a chance to see it. I lovelovelove the movie, that's the Annie that I know, and of course the stage production will be different but it still felt like it was missing something. I feel bad criticizing child actors but the Annie we saw was not that great. Her singing was fine but her diction! She would chop up her sentences with pauses in weird places. It was super distracting.
Matilda Opposite situation of Annie. The kids in the show were so good! They were doing full-on choreographed numbers. Matilda herself was awesome. But the show is, obviously, geared towards a younger audience so the overall story wasn't as appealing to me.
Newsies I've already seen this show but my friend wanted to go and who I am to say 'no'? :) We got better seats this time so I was able to enjoy the dancing up close. The dancing is really the big draw of this show. Did the stage door after and the whole cast came out to sign.
First Date This was one of my Must See shows (1) because it stars one Zachary Levi and (2) it's closing in January. I absolutely loved it! The show is 100 minutes with no intermission and takes place over the course of a blind date. So so funny. It's that time of year for Broadway Cares where audiences are asked to donate and most shows offer special items for sale. I purchased the signed Playbill. They also offered a photo op with Zac and Krysta Rodriguez for $100. I was not prepared for a surprise photo op so I passed on it. And, of course, I now regret it :(
Once I'm actually going to see this show next month in Toronto but when I found out that Arthur Darvill (Rory, Doctor Who) was doing the play in NYC I had to see it of course! I already adored the movie and the music so I knew I was going to love it and I did. It's not your traditional musical; it's a love story between 2 people who bond over their love of music. If you do get a chance to see the show, get there early for the pre-show. You may even get to go on stage with the cast. Again, my signed Playbill was part of Broadway Cares. Apparently Arthur doesn't do stage door :( and, it needs to be said, holy crap is Arthur is handsome in real life and a great singer damn.