I have this thing where I think of something to post but then I don't and I was too lazy to post my Winnipeg pictures last week so the result is one big giant post. Sorry! *sheepish grin*
~~ Chuck finale. How awesome was that?! The kick ass gene really does run in the Bartowski family -- go Ellie! Routh as evil!Shaw was so good. He needs to play bad more. Jeffster's "Blaze of Glory" was epic and the video was so awesomely bad LOL And unlike another tv show *cough*Supernatural*cough* when Chuck sets up a showdown fight, it actually delivers. Chuck's "I just needed to reboot" was brilliant!
~~ Watched the 24 finale while in Winnipeg. Didn't catch all of it as I was moving stuff out of my brother's apartment but I did see the final minutes between Jack and Chloe. Very well done.
~~ Glee. How brilliant was Bad Romance? LOVED IT. Santana KILLED it and Quinn was gorgeous in her outfit, although those eyelashes look super annoying to wear. Burt continues to be The Best Father Ever. The TWOP gang continues to beat the dead horse that is (a) whether or not Burt was justified in how he treated Finn; (b) Finn's motivation behind his rant; (c) whether or not Kurt received any fallout blah blah blabbity blah for 50+ pages. My Glee music post has been updated
here. Only 2 more eps left :(
~~ Somebody somehow found Jared & Genevieve's
wedding pictures online. I admit to feeling a bit uncomfortable/stalkerish watching the slideshow but not enough to stop me from screencapping a good portion of the pictures.
~~ I finally relented and turned on the AC this afternoon.
bauersgirl, Anj & I will be visiting the
Wizarding World of Harry Potter in November. I'm super excited about this! I believe Anj timed it so we'll be there when the next movie is released. I can't wait to try butterbeer!! Speaking of HP, I never posted my HP exhibit pictures here! Pictures were strictly forbidden but I had to sneak some shots! I only got about 10 pictures but if you're interested, you can check them out
over at my facebook.
~~ I really would love to go see
Broadway Bares once. Looks like it happens every year in June. I'm thinking next year. Who wants to come with? Even if one doesn't want to see BB, a weekend in NYC is always fun.
Oh Winnipeg, you sure are... flat LOL We had gorgeous weather while we there. It did rain on the night of Victoria Day so no fireworks but that's ok. On the Tuesday, we experienced some major wind action, wow. OK, pictures!
You know it gets cold in Winnipeg when you see (a) electrical outlets in public parking lots for engine heaters and (b) a lot of the bus shelters are enclosed and supply heat.
University of Manitoba
My brother in his natural habitat LOL
FYI, years back, there was a series of commercials called "Heritage Moments" that depicted certain historical events in Canada's history.
Heritage Moment #1: This is the only known oil painting of Winnie the Pooh by the original illustrator. When it went on auction in London, a group of Winnipeggers was able to purchase the painting. It currently hangs in a gallery in Assiniboine Park.
Click to view
The Forks. Marketplace & historical site. This is where the Assiniboine and Red Rivers meet. The early Aboriginal peoples used this area as a meeting place and when the Europeans came, it was used for trading, railway pioneers and thousands of immigrants passed through on their way west. Hence the nickname for Winnipeg is Gateway to the West.
^^ There were about 7 of these in a semi-circle and each one helps you locate a different constellation. On certain nights of the year, the main stars will appear in the circles. Cool idea.
Heritage Moment #2. Statue commemorating the Chinese railway workers. The inscription, which is hard to read, says, "On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1947 repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act, this sculpture is dedicated to the memory of the thousands of Chinese railway workers who laboured, often under the most difficult conditions, to complete the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway through the Rocky Mountains."
Click to view
St Boniface Church and Louis Riel. The church was lost in a fire and only the facade remains. Louis Riel, considered to be the founder of Manitoba, leader of the Metis, led 2 resistance movements and executed on the charge of high treason, is buried here.
The Legislative Building
Heritage Moment #3: Valour Road.
Click to view
And that's it! I never know if I blab too much when I do my travel pictures but I figure some information is nice instead of just throwing pictures up.