me soo tired

Jan 11, 2005 23:23

so i told myself i was going to sleep tonight.... nope gusse not. but u gotta do what u gotta do and sometimes sleep comes last. Soo last weekend i didnt do much of anything... finished off the first season of the OC! it was pretty rad! haha! i also worked a couple shifts!! money!! this friday is PAY DAY! to abd it all gose to school shit:( well yea so ive started school. its going pretty good i gusse... its only been to days! but i dont think ive ever been soo tierd.monday iwas up pretty early for the first day ad then last night was up pretty late..up early today and then iw as soo pumped to come home and have like a 3 hour nap...well i didnt do that becuase i had hwk to do and readings and stuff and shit chattin to some people... and then tonight some stuff happend and not gunna go into details.... but anywqays now i waiting for a phone call.... so i cant go to sleep.... becuase it i go to sleep i will have to get up out of sleep and drive palces in the mid of the night and be really half a sleep.....might jsut be better this way. SO yeah today i deisded i wannt move into the basement.. there alot more room down there and now with all my school stuff i have no where to put it in my shoebox of a room. so it will tkae alot of work but i think it will be sweet!! haha! and ill have phone and cable... not like now... i got nuffin! haha! this commong up weekend im working but i hope to get my one shift off.... maybe someone will take it!! its 8:30 in the ouch! haha! ive also desided that tomorrow ngiht im gunan sleep!! and then im not gunan wake up till 7:45 pmon thursday just in time for the OC! i gusse my parents also want me to go and get my G cuase i coulda done so 2 years ago. haha and they just had to pay like $2000 for insurance! oh gosh they love me!!!! well im rambliing so im gunna go!! hope everyone haivng a good week!!!!!
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