go there to see steven colbert absolutely destroy president bush at the white house correspondants dinner. he freaking roasts dubbya for nearly 25 minutes. it's well worth the time too... because he says, at a presidentially attended, nationally televised, black tie dinner what 2/3 of America is thinking right now.
And the best part is the georgie is fucking livid about it. wicked pissed. c-span is asking youtube to yank the video because of all the controversy. so go watch it before the mainstream media and the white house try to sweep it under the rug. it's the most honest thing i've seen on tv in a LONG time.
and who the hell booked steven colbert for that dinner? have they never seen his show or heard his material before? he's a jon stewart protage. these people never cease to amaze me. and i'm glad, because that's some funny shit.