sharp dressed man

Apr 04, 2006 08:42

well, apperantly the governor got the memo. no sooner did i post my ramblings, and what happens? burn ban lifted. so if you're reading this, good job gov. now push that tattoo bill through and you'll be a-ok in my book.

in other news, i'm in meetings until 12:30 today, and from 1-4:30 tomorrow. i can't imagine they'll be good. something called "traveling campus training". i'm relieved they didn't call it a "workshop" but i've got a sinking feeling that's exactly what it is. es no bueno.

i've got SOOOO much work to do, and all i can think about is how badly i want to sleep. this whole new job work management responsibility thing is a lot harder to get used to than i thought it would be. but when you look at my past employment, i've never really DONE anything. just did whatever was handed to me and waited till something else got handed to me. this is the opposite of that, and it's a hard pill to swallow.

off to the tower in my suit. bleh.
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