Apr 10, 2006 23:13
saw Ben Folds tonight. it was alright. he sang a lot of songs from Saving Silverman (which makes since) and that kinda sucked since I really didn't like that cd too much, BUT he did sing two of my favorite songs, unfortunatly that did not include "Kate". he did, however, sing "bitches aint shit" so that was good. he also sang "brick"....and am i just real confused or did someone tell me that he refused to sing that song again in concert because of emotional stuff? anyway, i thought he had said that at one point so i was rather shocked to see it.
he also had a drummer and a guitar player on stage with him most of the time which was different than the last time i saw him. i couldn't tell if i liked them playing with him or not.
and at this concert i didnt lose the shirt that i spent $20 on...however i didnt get to meet him again but you win some, you lose some.
today was gorgeous outside. absolutly perfect. jen, courtney and i stole a bunch of food from our cafe and has ourselves a nice little picnic outside. it was precious. and tomorrow its supposed to be 70 out so i finally have a good reason to shave my legs. and hopefully we'll be playing some intense hide and go seek....