Aug 02, 2007 21:51
Alrighty...I have to clean out crap...stuff...
Soon to be on sale: (when is on sale, I will include pictures)
- Naruto head band (real metal, only used couple of times.) includes packaging but missing Naruto ID
NewType issues (Japanese, including posters)
CLAMP chess pieces
The Potion (I may not but is kinda of useless to me)
Goku from Dragon Ball plushie (yes is from the first series before it added Z at the end) MINT!
Card Captor Sakura dolls (school uniform and battle costume that I can't describe) MINT and with packaging
Sakura Wars doll (leg is broken but other than that is good and includes packaging)
I have Gundam Wing Pins (The entire set of them wearing PJs) not sure if I want sell these GW stuff were hard for me to get, and that during when the show aired!
Maybe more stuff...