Jun 15, 2004 21:30
Hullo Love. well today has been um.. fun? well not really. lol i went to the dentist in the morning and my wisdom teeth have shown up. and so now im having to have those taken out. fuck. and then i dont remember much except me and jess went to the lake.. and we were going to go canoeing.. and then we were giving the money to the guy up front, and i passed out. and hit my head on the cement reeeeally hard. so when i came to, it felt like i had been hit by a train. well, the ranger was like.. LEMME GO CHANGE! (he was in his bathing suit) i was like um... dude, if theres something wrong with my head, i really wont care what your wearing as long as you put some ice on it or something. lol. well it turns out im fine, just scraped up and i have a knot on the back of my head the size of a damn tomato or somethin. i dont know. and i bit my lip, so its all swollen, and my back got the shit scraped out of it. and tonight was lauren's thing.. and i was looking forward to going to that. poo. and in 2 days.. my lip better be down, or ima be pissed. just because. lol well anyways, ive spent the whole day sleeping, but im gonna go sleep some more. much love. later!
<3 Liz
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