Title: Never-ending
redcottonstarWord count: 100
Pairing: Jonghyun/Key
Rating: G
Summary: I watch you.
Author’s Notes: Sorry, for some reason LJ removes my author tag even after I add it :(
I watch you.
I map out the shape of your collarbone, trace the tilt of your lips in mid-air, memorise the curve of your jaw.
You smile and it leaves me breathless, robs me of my ability to think about anything else except Key Kim Kibum (I love you).
Do you know the way your expression softens whenever you look at him? Like he is the world to you, your everything.
I feel my heart cracking (breaking, shattering) a little more each day, and I realise that soon, there won’t be anything left.
Just a never-ending freefall to the ground.