Title: Candyland
sugarcocoaWord Count: 200
Pairing: TaeminxMinho
Rating: PG
Summary: Taemin fantsizes about him and Minho in Candyland.
Author Notes: I had to cut some parts out since it was over 200. I also sort of got lazy at the ending too.
Taemin layed in his bed where he dreamt of Minho who wore a pink suit licking a colorful swirly lollipop in candyland. He looked directly at his direction as he took long slow licks. Taemin's heart started to beat fast. His face was red. He looked away and examined the candy like place.
Taemin didn't notice Minho's presence until he looked back at the direction where Minho was with the lollipop. He yelped. Minho was only half a foot away from him and his lips were plump cherry red, probably because he might have sucked the lollipop. Taemin's face grew redder. Minho leaned closer towards Taemin while he just stepped back. He tripped over a small lollipop and landed with an almost audible thud. Minho landed on top of him making sure he did't escape. He stared at him directly into his eyes, their faces only an inch away.
He felt someone shaking him.
He opened his eyes and saw the boy he had been dreaming of for a while (like two weeks). His face turned completely red at the sudden realization that his lips were puckered out and his dream boy was staring at him in confusement and shock.