Title: You Make it Hard to Smile (because you make it hard to breathe)
pikagyuPairing: Onew/Minho
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: I had no idea where to begin and where to end, but it all worked out somehow. I’m not quite sure.
Original Work:
Saturn V by
capebuffalo (
There are too many things running through Minho's mind, and none of them manifest the way he means them. )
Comments 9
but omg lilly i loved it! you got minho so well and and and idk what else to say except that i loved this and ide like onho. ♥ to you bb
Wonderful! Wonderful!
My first idea was to remix it from Minho's POV and leave it there, but then I realized that maybe I was following your fic too closely and tried to write other scenes that may have happened, how they might have happened in your universe from my point of view, from what I saw in my head when I first read your fic. Minho is the hardest person for me to write in SHINee, so I hope I didn't butcher him too much for you.
But I did have fun! Maybe I cried and smashed at my keyboard a little too much, but I enjoyed it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it too!
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