Title: Afterlife (8/8)
Pairing: Minjung/bigender!Jonghyun
Rating: R--NC-17
Genre: Angst / Horror / Sci-Fi
Warnings: Character death, gore, body horror, prescription drug abuse, suicide attempt, mention of self-harm, mentions of food
Final Word Count: 74,000~
Minjung’s quiet suburban life is thrown into upheaval when her partner’s ex comes to visit. )
His slice was mostly crust now, and he crammed it into his mouth with an efficiency that was both admirable and a bit disturbing. He took a large gulp of his beer. “Hey,” he said, a little out of breath.
HE IS OUT OF BREATH FROM EATING AND DRINKING omg this could be 70,000 words about taemin being disgusting and i'd be happy
“It’s kind of hot out,” she replied
my dense misunderstood flower :( i love her
“Oh good,” Taemin said flatly. “I feel all better now. Glad we cleared that up.”
Minjung hoped her tone was icy enough to put him off.
but he's your ally!! /slams fists on table/ BECOME BEST FRIENDS ALREADY PLEASE
“There’s no misunderstanding,” she snapped. “Kibum lied.” Her vision was going hazy. “Or Junghee did.”
omg i love tiny chicken taemin trying to make things better by telling the truth and minjung is just like 'MURDER FIRE'
glad of the excuse to look down and tune everyone else out.
i'm trying so hard not to hold this against minjung, but she's being a little scary and rude by being so openly angry while junghee's friends there. like c'mon chicken tendril u can do it, speak ur thoughts, be an adult about it ;-; junghee loves you!!
The water was running, she realized. A waste. She turned it off, and kept scrubbing.
she Wasted!! an officially horrible person now :^p
Sober, rigid, boring, monogamous, wet blanket Minjung.
pets softly
it's all true and it's all okay
Minjung looked briefly at him in the rearview mirror as he sprawled in the back seat, his legs wide open, his head lolling a bit against the headrest
taemin being taemin is getting me through the discomfort of the situation
things: are uncomfortable
taemin: either oblivious or not that affected
me: my island of peace :(
“That’s what happens when you work retail and food service in Vegas for like, fuckever.”
also i wanna steal fuckever now because *snorts*
Guilt that she had hurt Junghee, and anger that it was so easy for Junghee to make her feel like the aggressor in every situation.
well not every situation. this situation. which is kinna accurate. cmon minjung, pull through! i believe in you
“No, we’re going,” Minjung said firmly, as she locked her door.
i believe in ur ability to be kind, lil sis
momjung is still momming :( i get why she's doing it because i do that too and it's like noooo stooooppp don't make my mistakes you're being so patronizing and doing the opposite of what you want to achieve. and continuing to be rude to junghee's friends isn't helping either. ahhhh snap out of it and make the opposite choices!!
“Oh honey.” Kibum patted his face patronizingly. “That could be anything.”
junghee has a gross make up t-shirt!!! :(((( i love when people have those
oh no, the whiskey. omg everyone in this story is so stupid i want to kick all of them lovingly ;-;
junghee and minjung making up in the bathroom, feeling close again through lovemaking. fuck me up they're so soft ;-; but nothing has been cleared up really
“You knew?” Her face was a distorted mask of pain and anger.
OK BUT SHE KNEW LIKE THE FULL FIVE MINUTES DONT PUT THIS ON HER D': like was she supposed to tell junghee in front of her best friends slash the people cheating on her. awkw
without a shred of confidence in his voice.
omg why does no one in this story believe junghee can look after herself. she's grown y'all need to relax
a strange juxtaposition of the opulent and the brazenly trashy
i love this line. it sounds like a fun song and an even better place to be
She lingered for a whole ten minutes
she's finally taking a treat-yourself shower and it's still sad as shit. MINJUNGGG
hav u heard anythin
i wish i was a cat so i could go up to taemin and rub my cheek against him
Junghee had gone.
OMG WHY omg omg nhrnrn
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