Title: Afterlife (8/8)
Pairing: Minjung/bigender!Jonghyun
Rating: R--NC-17
Genre: Angst / Horror / Sci-Fi
Warnings: Character death, gore, body horror, prescription drug abuse, suicide attempt, mention of self-harm, mentions of food
Final Word Count: 74,000~
Minjung’s quiet suburban life is thrown into upheaval when her partner’s ex comes to visit. )
I just love these little characterizations that you sneak in
“Sorry,” she said, with an apologetic laugh. “I just. Kibum. Is he--? Are you still--?”
“Fucking?” Jonghyun said bluntly.
“What do you call your undies then?” She stood up and shimmied into her black briefs.
“Panties,” Jonghyun said promptly.
I love jonghyun so much im sobbing
“Pretty much, yeah.” He laughed. “Taemin just has a higher tolerance for this stuff than I do.”
Again these subtle characterizations are fantastic. Its a great way to introduce a reader to a character without overwhelming them with details and you do it so smoothly
“Yes, he did,” he deadpanned. “I was up. All night.”
wanting to try making deep dish pizza again
I fucking died when u brought this up like what a nice little detail that pulls in traits from irl jjong
“Your boyfriend?” she prodded. “Or is it your fiancé now? I can’t keep track.”
ripppp that is so shady
( ... )
ah yes, the return of Panic
He smells really bad--I think he shat himself
Okay this is so gross but these details are my fav like this just involves you so much more in the realness of the illness
“Oh hey guys,” he said, managing a half-hearted smile when they approached. He waved the empty cup at them, and Minjung could see a tiny spoon rattling against the side. “Got my ice cream.”
shiny with oozing pus.
: )
It looked soft, almost juicy, like an overripe plum, and it smelled horribly. Splotches of reddish purple had appeared on his shin and calf, and were ( ... )
“When I’m with boys, sometimes I just feel so gay, like I’m the gayest gay boy in the world. But sometimes when I’m with girls, I feel like such a girl.” He gazed across the crevasse at the opposite wall. “I love girls,” he said, wistfully.
i, a small emo
Minjung stirred on the doorstep
the transition from the memory is so jarring but in a good way i love it
where she stole another glance at Holly and Indira. Both of them still had their backs turned to her, and she snatched several bottles: a few narcotics, some strong antibiotics. She dropped them into her purse, grateful that the security cameras in the grocery store could not catch every recess of the pharmacy.
minjung is just;;;; so fantastic i love her;;;;
“Don’t fuck up our Netflix queue,” Minjung warned.
r i pppp
“When is he gonna visit?” Taemin whined, in the plaintive voice of a child begging for a snack, or asking if they could leave timeout early.
Ah, yes. Impending doom.
“Who said anything about leaving him ( ... )
“Oh,” he said softly. “You’re on the edge of your worst nightmare? How terrible for you. You’re right. Nothing I dealt with compares. I’m just actually in my worst nightmare. Two of my friends died. No biggie.”
Okay so one of my favorite things about this fic is that all of the characters are so real and imperfect and so relatable like this argument doesnt feel forced or implausible and i just really admire your ability to write things that are that believable
Jonghyun stood back, breathing heavily, and dropped the stool. “Killing’s easier than I thought it would be,” he muttered.
Her bruises and her lingering terror felt like a kind of penance for what she had done to Taemin. Her guilt eased a little.
The same hands that had clung to Minjung last night were now curled into fists in Junghee’s lap, and the same small body that Minjung had held close was now turned away from her, hunched in a ball in the passenger’s seat. The car was tiny, but Junghee seemed very far away. Minjung’s day dimmed ( ... )
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