SBB 2010 Entry #2 - Color Theory (2/2)

Aug 12, 2010 17:46

Title: Color Theory
Pairing/Focus: Taemin focus, former Key/Taemin
Rating: R
Word Count: 12,539

Color Theory - Part 2 )

rating: r, shineebigbang2010: submissions, pairing: key/taemin

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Comments 15

lunayeppeo August 13 2010, 13:56:12 UTC
I cannot express how much this overwhelmed me. I read this entire story feeling a little breathless and completely heartbroken for Taemin and the entire situation. I love the gritty reality of everything - Taemin's chaotic feelings and how he tries to deal, how everyone interacts and reacts. You didn't mince anything, and it's all just so real. You wrote it very very believably, and I enjoyed the delivery and the progression of the story.

I really enjoyed this. Thank you so much, and great job!


miss_circle August 14 2010, 05:20:26 UTC
I just want you to know how this fic moved me. I read this last night, just before I went to sleep, and I wet my pillow because of it. My heart broke into tiny little pieces as Taemin whispered 'I love you' to his mom. It's just... love.
The aftermath of your story is so great and real. I can even still feel it now that I've been awake for hours.


compatable August 14 2010, 06:03:55 UTC
it's stories like these that make me want to improve as a writer, and i mean this in a good way.


cosipotente August 14 2010, 21:20:58 UTC
This is a work of written art. I was so angry with Key but I wanted to cry for Taemin. You have such amazing skill and kept me completely riveted. I cannot coherently express how touched I was by this.

Loved it.


shuwei August 15 2010, 06:43:40 UTC
There is no way to express how emotionally involved I was with Taemin while reading this fic. I was heartbroken to see him make mistakes, then touched to see him try to fix it. Your writing is beautiful and emotional, whether it be confusion, desperation, recklessness. I applaud you for how you handled the characters' homosexuality; there's humanity in every character, where they're coming from, why they are the way they are.
My eyes are wet with tears by the end. There's so much love and hope in those few paragraphs. I can't express it very well, but I want you to know, dear author, that I like this story very much.


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