Ready or Not (>^_^>)

Dec 29, 2010 00:03

Name: Rems

Age: 17

About You

Likes: Classical music, K-pop, Violin, Piano, Dinosaurs, Smiley faces, Biology, Chemistry, Pink fluffy stuff, SHINee, Song writing, fanfic writing, Eating Candy, Internet surfing, Rainbows and Clouds hehehe, When people randomly burst in to song, writing lyrics and poetry

Dislikes: Poverty, World hunger, seeing people cry, being lonely

Hobbies: Playing music - Violin and Piano, Playing with my hair, Long philosophical talks with strangers, Writing lyrics to songs, Making completely unfunny jokes, Acting cute to get my way, Eating

Strong points: Um I listen well to what others and always try and understand people's points of view before judging them. And people say that I'm always happy, and that I don't let myself get upset

Weak points: Often can't stand up for myself, Not good at leading, Takes a while to get comfortable around people, Really clumsy, Make unfunny jokes, Easily distracted, I get emotionally attached to things easily, childish

Future goals: To become a doctor, travel the world, experience all different cultures :)

About Him

So what kind of qualities do you find the most important in a partner? Um most of all the guy has to love you, and you need to be able to feel secure that he's going to be with you forever :) I like cute/sweet/dorky and happy guys :P I like simple minded guys.

Why exactly are these traits so important to you? I had a high-maintenance before before, and he really clashed with my personality. I just want a simple, nice guy.

What qualities could you do without? Again, name three: Too intelligent, too bossy, has a temper

Do you prefer someone who is...

Shy or outgoing? I like really Shy

Cool or dorky? Dorky

Optimistic or realistic? Since I'm such an optimist it would be healthy to have someone more realistic

Careful or carefree? Carefree unless people are in danger

Confident or modest? Modest

Mature or immature? Immature in a fun playful way :)

High, medium, or low energy?: As high as it possible :P

A Leader or a follower?: Follower, or he'd dominate me too much

About You and Him

What is the most important part of a relationship? To able to be yourself

It's the first date you two have. Who pays for dinner? Just him, just you, or do you split the bill? It doesn't really matter, it would be nice if the guy offered

Describe the date he takes you on: Something really fun like a themepark.. or BUNGIE JUMPING XD

Who made the first move, anyway? Him or you? Either of us

When you first tell him you love him, how do you do it? Do you just flat out say it or do you do something else? I would try and make it really romantic
It’s his birthday. What do you do to celebrate? What sort of present to you give him? I'd give him a giant truck of candy so we could pig out together :) or a teddy bear <3

How hurt would you be if your match had to cancel a date because of work? I would be pretty sad but what it's not like he could help it...

What are your opinions on marriage? Is it important to you or can you do without? I'm probably not going to get married, but if I do I have to know 100% that he'd stick with me

And finally, link to three applications you have recently voted on:

화살 (Quasimodo)

Up and Down

Stand By Me

matched: taemin

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