Get Down :D

Apr 22, 2010 18:08

Name: Mei Zi
Age: 15 this year
Previously Stamped as: Key

About You
Likes: Reading, dancing (even though I'm not good at it XD), fanfiction, SHINee :D, Kpop and music in general, animals, sleeping, trying new food, rollercoasters, rainy mornings, weekends, frappucinos.
Dislikes: Immaturity, annoying people, exams, ignorance, cockroaches and all those stupid reality shows on MTV.
Hobbies: Writing fanfiction, daydreaming, lurking in the local Starbucks, playing around with my dog, shopping and eating. :D
Strong points: I'm a good listener, even if I don't always have the solution to a problem.
Weak points: I tend to get hurt easily, but I keep it to myself and never cry. Because of this, people think I have a heart made out of steel, and thus, mistake me for a tough person and unintentionally hurt me more.
Future goals: To be happy with whatever I choose to do with my life.

About Him

So what kind of qualities do you find the most important in a partner? Give at least three:
i) I would definitely want him to be mature. I can't stand immaturity in anybody, so this is especially important.
ii) I'd like a guy who can take care of me.
iii) He needs to be fun, adventurous and willing to try new things with me. (:
iv) Big plus if he has an amazing sense of humour.
Why exactly are these traits so important to you? Well, it's all about give and take. If you were meant to be with each other, then you'd find a way to satisfy what the other wants and in turn, be happy with what the other gives back.
What qualities could you do without? Again, name three:
i) Immaturity. As I have mentioned above, my way of thinking is different from many teenagers my age, and I don't think I'd be able to date someone who has a younger state of mind than me, even if we are the same age.
ii)  Someone who is argumentative. I mean this in the way that if he doesn't agree with me on something, he needs to have something to back it up instead of arguing for the sake of arguing or getting his way.
iii) I can't see myself in a casual relationship to be honest, so someone who says he wants to 'take things easy' is definitely not for me.

Do you prefer someone who is...
Shy or outgoing? Outgoing! :D
Cool or dorky? Dorky, but cool at all the right moments.
Optimistic or realistic? Optimistic to match my pessimist personality.
Careful or carefree? Careful.
Confident or modest? How about just right? :D
Mature or immature? MATURE, GDI.
High, medium, or low energy?: Medium, lmao.
A Leader or a follower?: I'm fine with either.

About You and Him
What is the most important part of a relationship? Enjoying each other's company. (:
It's the first date you two have. Who pays for dinner? Just him, just you, or do you split the bill? Well, I'd be impressed if he offered to pick up the tab, but I would offer to go Dutch first.
Describe the date he takes you on: A concert would be great. If not, something fun like going to the amusement park would be cool too. (:
Who made the first move, anyway? Him or you? I'm extremely shy IRL, so it probably has to be 'him'.
When you first tell him you love him, how do you do it? Do you just flat out say it or do you do something else? I would say it out loud, but I won't do it the cliche' way like they do in movies or books. XD
It’s his birthday. What do you do to celebrate? What sort of present to you give him? I'd pick out something based on his interests, and I'd take him to a nice restaurant of his choice. :D
How hurt would you be if your match had to cancel a date because of work? I wouldn't be too upset the first time, but if it becomes a regular occurence, I may start to question where our relationship is heading.
What are your opinions on marriage? Is it important to you or can you do without? Right now, commitment for forever seems like the scariest thing on earth to me. Who knows though, I might change my mind as time passes.

And finally, link to three applications you have recently voted on:


matched: onew

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