Forever or never

Oct 29, 2009 23:38

Please link to 3 applications that you've voted for:

산소 같은 너 (Love Like Oxygen)
너 아니면 안되는 걸 (ROMANTIC)

Name/Nickname: Meike/ Mei, Mei-chan
Age: 18

Likes: Movies, music, open-minded people, languages and history, dancing, discussions, making new friends.
Dislikes:: Prejudices. Rasists. Bullying (happened to me, left deep marks). Violence. Arrogant people. Antis.
Hobbies: dancing, swimming, writing, reading, movies, hanging around with my best friend, music, singing
Strong points: Open-minded. Tolerant. I claim myself as a friend always being there and I'm not lying. I can lead people when I'm confident in what I am doing and I learn languages very fast and easy.
Weak points: Lazy. Sometimes I start things with energy and don't finish them. Insecure when facing a large group of young people and knowing nobody. I'm very clumsy, as a child it was worse, but I still am. Tripping, knocking over other people's coffee, things like that. Claustrophobia. Getting sarcastic very fast.
Future goals?: I'm not so sure. Probably teacher for languages. I love french and english. Still I worked with handicapped people and that is something interesting to work too.
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: Tolerance and loyalty. One of my best friends told me once when she first got to know me better she thought I can't be as trustworthy as I seemed, but that I actually am. I am tolerant, because I have many friends from different countries, with different origins. Some have another skincolour, some speak other languages, some are homo-, trans-, bi- or asexual, I have handicapped friends.
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: That I am lazy. Despite of my never-ending energy it can happen that I lose interest in something. I pick it up later and finish. Sometimes my stuff for school would be finish earlier if I wasn't too busy spending time on my pc.
And my sharp tongue. To people I love I'm harmless, but dare anybody hurting my little 'family' I get protective and my comments get more than sneaky.

If there was one thing you would change about the world, what would it be? Why?: Peace, no war. I'm a pacifist. No more rasism, no more discrimination, no bashing, no bullying.
If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what would it be?: I don't want this to sound arrogant, but I like myself the way I am. That is the most important thing in my opinion. I don't want to change. I like my glasses.

Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favorite SHINee member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it’s explicit, bold a warning beforehand.): MINHO. Not at the start, but he is now. I love his calmness, his beautifull dark voice and he loves and cherishs the people he loves. He can be cute, he can be hot, he has many sides and respects his elder. Key was my first fav, but Minho got the spot.
On the flip side, who’s your least favorite SHINee member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; he might be someone’s favorite.): Nice try, I love them all.
What’s your favorite SHINee pairing (if you have one)?: OnKey I guess and 2Min.
If you could be a SHINee member for a day, who would you be? Why?: Key. He is fascinating, he is motherly and I would love to play mother for half SM artists. Besides, he has style and I want this necklace from 'Juliet' days.

Favorite color?: orange
Favorite movie? Why?: I'm obsessed with movies. I love old black and white movies as well as new movies. But in the end...Pride and Prejudice. I love the author of the book and the story is perfectly adopted for the movie...and I adore Keira Knightley.
Favorite saying/quote?: Hetero sexuality isn't normal, it's just more common.
If you were an animal, which would you be, and why?: A butterfly. First people look at it, saying it's ugly, but when they discover what's behind they'll find true beauty.
If you were a dessert, which would you be, and why?: Mousse au Chocolate. I love it.

High, medium, or low energy?: High!
Impulsive or cautious?: Impulsive. I do things with a lot of passion, but I still have a feeling for the situation.
Mature or Immature?: Both. Mature mostly, but give me a nice piece of K-Pop or old movies and I'm enthusistic and childish= immature.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimist FOREVER!
Touchy feely or not?: Touchy is my second name. Anyone knows Super Junior Yesungs lip touching habit? I do have that one too. My friends are used to me hugging, poking and touching them constantly.
Leader or follower?: Leader. I'm ready to let other people lead, but if I can I def will.
Any pets? Tell us about them!: Don't be shocked. About 60 guinea pigs (my mother breeds them) and one dog, a black poodle that is ever more enthusiatic than I am. And very sportive.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?: Doing half of a strip in the middle of Berlin and hugging a stranger , because of a harmless bet.

It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?:
With my best friends anywhere they love to be. But I would get my best friend a contract as designer at Seoul first.
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?: Honestly. Turn around, smile, be polite and ask if I can help him/her.
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind/genre of drama would you want to do? Why?: A satirical comedy. I'm very sarcastic sometimes.
You're onstage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What do you do?: Make fun of it...things like that happen, why covering up?

Pictures of yourself (optional):
that's me

Please tag yourself as *unstamped upon submission. Thanks! And remember to post on the Stamping Post once you're ready to be stamped! Stamping Post

stamped: onew

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