The Halfling; Onew/Key; R

Jun 07, 2015 00:49

Title: The Halfling
Author: seutae-yah
Rating: R (this part)
Pairing/Focus: Onkey, side 2min
Summary: Onew is a Duke's son at the turn of the 39th Century in a country that now inhabits the peninsula where the Koreas once existed. In his country of Hangeong, it is common and very much expected for males of certain social standing to purchase a Pleasure Halfling on their eighteenth birthday. Onew has railed against the practice for years, but what happens when he can no longer fight his father's (and everyone else's) expectations?

WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault, death (non-SHINee), violence, blood, gore

Part 17

author: s, rating: r, pairing: taemin/minho, pairing: onew/key

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