Title: Horus and Hathor
leetaemintRating: PG for character death.
Pairing/Focus: Kim 'Key' Kibum/Kim Jaejoong (JYJ)
Summary: Kibum loves every single story Horus posts on their journal. Based on the first of the stories from the book 'Never trust a Computer' (Nunca confíes en una Computadora) by Verónica Sukaczer, named 'Never will I be able to reach to you' (Jamás podré alcanzarte).
A/N: This is like soooooo OOC it hurts. You have been warned.
I am amazed how everything shines when you're in love // I believed there wasn't a thing to be afraid of // The instant passion is aroused and everything collapses // I can never forget // I can't say I want to cry // All I want is to meet you again