Title: Fools Like Me
Chapters: Drabble/Oneshot
paranoiascreamsGenre: angst
Warning: Un-Beta'd
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Taemin x Minho, Minho x Jonghyun, Jonghyun x Onew, Onew x Key, Key x Taemin
Synopsis: Because i am a fool, i thought, maybe if i kept dancing, one day i will finally get his attention, one day he will look at me and really see me and the feelings i have for him.
Disclaimer: I will own them soon never.
Comments: This can be read individually as drabbles, i think, and if you read it all, it's a oneshot. The last part cant be a drabble, it's for the oneshot. ^_^
Taeminnie, dinner in twenty minutes, ok? )
*** I placed SHINee Pairings because this isn't OT5, i think. I'll have to tag them individually. ***