Title: Odyssey In the Making
Team: Fantasy and Myths
Rating: PG-13
Parining: Jonghyun/Key
Summary: Jonghyun had been alone for a long time and so has Key. Things begin to change between them but apparently happiness has to be shared. An Odyssey parody with a narrator who needs anger management. Guest stars inside. Laughter is highly appreciated.
Author’s Note: I speak only to say thank you to everyone who’s helped me and I really hope that you laugh at one point during this. Well I won’t babble enjoy!
Prompt Used: Jang Geun Seuk-My Bus
This is the story of a man named Odysseus. Okay, not really. This is the story of a man and his many hardship. And, okay, maybe they weren't that hard. But I am the freaking narrator who got pulled into this work of fiction and never gets any appreciation, but enough already. Here we go.
It all began on a day like any other. Jonghyun was sitting outside his castle; he was after all the king of Acahti. He’d been working on a song he couldn’t get quite right, because his hobby when he wasn’t ruling the kingdom was music.
The kingdom didn’t need much ruling since it was a little island made of mostly rocks and no one really enjoyed going there. The people that did live on the island only stayed because Jonghyun was a really good singer and didn’t threaten to burn them alive if they tried to leave like Jonghyun's father did.
The one thing Jonghyun didn't have was a queen, but that part got fixed soon.
He was out for a walk in his garden, the sun getting in his eyes as he turned to glare at it. There under the shade of an olive tree stood a person. Pale skin rested over high cheek bones that were partly concealed by brown curls and amused almond shaped eyes were framed by thick lashes that brushed gently against those amazing cheeks. Full lips pulled into a smirk noticing the attention.
Jonghyun spurred on by the challenge found in the brunette's eyes walked up to the smaller person, although the difference was only by a hair. Okay, maybe they were the same height.
Jonghyun sighed.
“What are you sighing for?” the stranger demanded. “If anyone should be sighing it should be me. You were the one staring at me like a creep.”
“Shut up, you didn’t seem to mind. But how dare you be taller than your king,” Jonghyun grinned.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” the brunette asked. “And besides, a lot of people are taller than you."
“I know, but they don’t just waltz into my garden," Jonghyun pointed out.
The brunette seemed to contemplate that thought for a minute before those flush lips pulled into a smirk again.
“But you were still enjoying the view, weren’t you?”
Jonghyun shrugged giving the brunette a smirk of his own.
“You’re standing in my garden,” Jonghyun pointed out.
“Right, well, my name is Kim Kibum but you can call me Key."
“Why do they call you Key?” Jonghyun asked.
Key rolled his eyes.
“That’s because I’m the ‘key’ to everything,” Key explained as if was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well I’m Kim Jonghyun,” he said.
“I know that, you’re the King."
Jonghyun shrugged.
“Want to come to my castle I have a lot of extra space,” Jonghyun said.
Key raised an eyebrow but followed Jonghyun into the palace just because he had nothing better to do.
Jonghyun found out that Key was a good singer, rapper, and dancer. He was also better than the royal cooks, but Jonghyun knew better than to tell them that. Jonghyun also noticed that Key didn’t stay out very late; the man was usually running out of the palace by five.
“Hey, Key."
“What is it Jonghyun?”
“Come live in the palace,” he said.
“Are you telling me or asking me?” Key demanded.
"I don’t think you want me here,” Key said.
“Why not?”
“It’s because, well I won’t be able to explain it to an idiot like you. I’ll just show you. Wait here,” Key told him already half way out the door.
“What the hell was that?” Jonghyun mumbled.
“He went to get what he wanted to show you," I, the all wonderful narrator, decided to tell him.
Jonghyun looked around confused.
“Who are you?” Jonghyun asked. “Are you my guardian deity?”
“Yeah, I’m something like that." Really, it was just to get things moving.
“Cool,” Jonghyun said. “So what should I do?”
“I don’t know, wait for Key. I shouldn't even be talking to you?”
“But you’re my guardian deity,” Jonghyun pointed out.
“Right, no, what? I’m the narrator and whatever.”
“Jonghyun, I’m back!” Key called.
Jonghyun turned around startled.
“Key, guess what?” Jonghyun teased with a cocky grin.
“What is it?” Key asked his weight shifted onto one leg.
“I have a guardian deity.”
“That’s nice. Now listen, Jonghyun, I usually don’t say things like this, but I enjoy your company so don’t freak out, okay,” Key warned.
“This is Taemin,” Key said gesturing to the small child he carried on his hip.
“It’s a baby,” Jonghyun said looking at the small boy with light brown hair. “He’s pretty,”
“We’re kind of a package deal,” Key told him.
Jonghyun stood up and nodded.
“I told you there’s a lot of extra room."
Key looked at him for a long time before they began to laugh.
And from that day forward Jonghyun, Key, and little Taemin lived together in the palace of Acahti. Jonghyun never bothered to ask Key were Taemin came from and Key never told Jonghyun. Jonghyun made Taemin the crowned prince and Key was, naturally, the queen.
“Why the hell am I the queen?” Key demanded.
“Because I’m the king,” Jonghyun explained calmly. “Or do you want to be the court jester?”
Key thought it over for a few seconds before sighing.
“Fine Jonghyun, have it your bloody way, I’ll be the queen."
And so a year came and went. In other words, they lived together for a year in the palace and they were happy. Although, Acahti still had poor agriculture and the people only stayed because Jonghyun and Key had nice voices and because Taemin was very pretty. Then news reached the shore of peaceful Acahti. A battle had begun across the ocean in the neighboring country, although the little island of Acahti wasn’t much of a country. But still the news of a battle arose and the Skeeg were looking for someone like Jonghyun.
On one particular day, Key looked out through the palace window which faced the harbor. Ships from Skeeg had landed on Acahti soil.
He ran a hand through his hair and plopped down on the chair he had been sitting in.
“What the hell am I going to do?” he mused.
His fingers began working on the thread he had on his loom. He'd gotten into the habit of making things ever since he became queen. Currently, he was weaving an elaborate blanket for Taemin, the mountains of Acahti coming to life in the thread.
Even with the amount of rock land, farming was still possible because only a mad man would not try and find a way to produce food. That’s when it hit Key like a sack of rocks.
“I’m an idiot,” he growled.
Baby Taemin looked up at his surrogate mother who had jumped from the chair. Although a baby he was quite clever and didn’t struggle as Key took him out to the fields Jonghyun had just plowed. He was placed on the ground and head patted.
“Stay here for a bit,” Key told him.
Taemin nodded his head, his little finger coming to rest in his mouth.
Back at the palace, Jonghyun watched as the people from his town began to move towards the harbor.
“Guardian deity, are they going to leave?” he asked.
“No, genius. Besides, if they stayed on this piece of trash for so long there must be a reason.”
“You’re not in a good mood today are you?” Jonghyun mused.
“You don’t say?”
He was going to say something else when Key rushed into the room, a brown sack in his hand.
“Key, where have you been all morning?” Jonghyun pouted.
He’d spent all morning plowing the field that he’d gotten lonely. His life was so much more fulfilling now that he had Key and Taemin to fill the palace. And despite Key not saying anything, he knew that the younger man didn’t like being left alone for long either.
“I was weaving,” Key answered.
That threw Jonghyun for a loop. Key never answered him directly. It wasn’t in Key’s fiery personality to answer a question that Jonghyun obviously knew the answer to.
“Are you okay? Is something bothering you?” Jonghyun asked worried.
That in turn threw Key for a loop. Jonghyun hardly sounded worried unless he was very worried. That meant that he was showing way too much of his emotions.
“No, I’m not okay,” Key told him. “I want you to sprinkle salt on the field."
Jonghyun stared at Key for a long time until the brunette shoved the sack at him. He took it slightly hesitant.
Key rolled his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Because I don’t want anything to grow,” he spat.
Jonghyun sighed and nodded his head as he began to walk towards the entrance so that he could go do as Key pleased. He stopped before going in and turned to his companion. Jonghyun ruffled his hair not sure how to express himself. Key was biting his lip nervously which puzzled Jonghyun more.
“I’ll do it because you asked me, but I know that’s not what’s bothering you,” Jonghyun said uncharacteristically serious.
Once again, Key was left alone in the palace hall, Jonghyun’s retreating footsteps resounding all the loudly in the empty room. New footsteps filled the room and Key turned to face the Skeeg, the people who had come to shatter his newly found home.
“Can I help you?” Key sneered.
“Yes, we seek to speak with King Jonghyun. My name is Siwon,” the taller man said.
The man seemed to have been oblivious to Key’s rudeness, but the other two seemed to notice and were shooting glares at Kibum.
“He’s kind of unavailable,” Key said.
“Well could you make him available?” one of them demanded.
Key would have answered had Siwon not hit him on the back of the head.
“Donghae, be polite,” Siwon told him.
“It wasn’t me. It was Kyuhyun,” Donghae accused.
Key was wondering whether to be amused or annoyed.
“Don’t blame me for this,” Kyuhyun protested
Key decided that his son had spent enough time in the sun, so he cleared his throat stopping the three men’s argument.
“You see, King Jonghyun has been having a little issue lately,” Key started. “Ever since his best friend left the island he’s become a bit, mad.”
The three men stared at him in silence.
“Mad, as in insane?” Donghae asked in disbelief.
Key gave him a look but nodded.
“He plants his fields with salt instead of seeds and he washes his floors with dirt,” Key told them.
“Isn’t he the King? Why is he washing floors?” Kyuhyun muttered.
“That’s my point,” Key said.
The three men shared a look before Siwon turned back to Key.
“Could we see King Jonghyun? We would like to see if he really is unfit to participate in the upcoming battle,” Siwon said.
Key hesitated for a moment before nodding his head.
“Come this way."
The group of four made their way outside to the field were Jonghyun and Taemin where. The young boy was content, playing with the soft dirt. Key scowled, annoyed that he’d have to wash Taemin’s newest clothes. He kept walking anyway, the men stopping far way enough that they were concealed by the trees but still able to see Jonghyun.
“I don’t want to startle him,” Key lied.
“Wait, who’s that child?” Kyuhyun asked.
Key jumped as if surprised that there was a baby in the fields.
“That’s his son, Prince Taemin,” Key said. “I should go get him."
“No, wait. If King Jonghyun really has lost his senses then he’ll pour salt of his own son," Siwon declared. "If he does, we will let him be. Otherwise, we’ll confront the King."
Let me pause in my retelling.
I think that has to be one of the stupidest ways to tell if a man sane or not, but then again I’m not the one writing the story. I’m just the underpaid narrator.
Back in the fields, the four men turned again to watch the scene unfolding before them. Key was praying for the first time in his life and the other three were placing bets of how much salt the King would throw on his son. Finally, Jonghyun came to the place where little Taemin was.
The baby and the man stared at each other for sometime causing the audience to become confused before Jonghyun shook his head and picked up the small boy, sprinkled salt on the spot the boy sat, and placed him back down, before continuing with what he was doing.
“It seems that he has yet to lose all of his senses,” Donghae cheered.
Key was too busy holding his head in despair to care about the man’s cheekiness.
“Jonghyun, you’re an idiot!” Key snapped charging towards the older man.
Jonghyun tensed when he heard Key’s angry voice and turned to see him approaching quickly. The frightened king turned and ran away.
“Whatever it was I didn’t do it!” Jonghyun called.
“You don’t even know what it was!” Key snapped.
“But I know I didn’t do it!” Jonghyun replied.
“Ass, I know you did it!” Key reprimanded.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Jonghyun said as he rushed to hide behind Taemin.
He picked the infant up knowing that Key wouldn’t hurt him as long as he held the child. Key stopped in front of them flushed with anger before his gaze softened. Even thought Jonghyun had picked up the toddler in desperation he held Taemin securely and close making sure to shield him from any potential threats.
Many people had held the young boy but no one had held him so safely besides Key himself.
“What didn’t I do again?” Jonghyun asked to break the unsettling silence.
To answer his question the group of Skeeg walked towards them catching Jonghyun’s attention. He turned to them, rising to his full height, which wasn’t that impressive, but he made up for it with his unwavering gaze. He didn’t like outsiders entering his palace without first being announced, especially for them to get this far inside when his beloveds weren’t being properly watched.
“Rest easy King Jonghyun. We mean no harm,” Siwon said noticing Jonghyun's change in attitude.
“A king cannot rest easy when outsiders invade his land,” Jonghyun responded.
“We are not invading. Your servant let us through,” Donghae explained gesturing to Key.
“Watch your actions boy. That is my Queen you’re speaking of,” Jonghyun warned.
“Queen? He’s the queen?”
“Obviously, what else am I going to be?” Key demanded.
He was put off with the idea of being called a servant.
“Our apologizes," Kyuhyun said. "But, we need to speak to you."
Jonghyun nodded and handed Key Taemin.
“I’ll catch up with you in a bit,” Jonghyun told him.
He kissed Key’s forehead and ruffled Taemin’s hair.
Well the conversation that followed was quite boring. Basically, the Skeeg managed to convince Jonghyun to follow them.
“You’re leaving?” Key asked.
Jonghyun had his bag packed and smiled sadly at Key.
“Yeah, they drive a hard bargain,” was all he said.
“I’ll kill you later,” Key warned.
“I’ll miss you to,” Jonghyun answered.
“Go away,” Key muttered.
Jonghyun walked towards Key and hugged him, kissing the back of his neck.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” Jonghyun promised. “You won’t be alone for long,”
“I’m more afraid that you’ll get lost on your way back,” Key said.
“Good bye,” Jonghyun whispered.
He gave Key a final kiss committing to memory the feel of the other’s skin. Jonghyun smiled at the baby boy he’d come to love and kissed his forehead.
“Take care of mommy while I’m gone,” Jonghyun told him.
The baby boy made happy sounds and clutched onto the blonde’s head who laughed and pulled away.
“Well go on then, scram,” Key said.
Don’t go, is what he wanted to say.
“I’m leaving already,” Jonghyun answered.
I don’t want to, is what the king would have said.
“Don’t come back!” Key called.
Hurry back.
“I’ll make sure to get lost!” Jonghyun replied.
I will.
And so, Jonghyun set off towards the Skeeg’s ship. He was going to be famous and victory would follow wherever he went. He’d protect his home and family.
After all, how could he lose the battle of the bands?
Poll Odyssey in the Making