Prickles (5/?)

Jul 09, 2013 18:04

Title: Prickles
Rating: PG-13 (on this chapter)
Pairing: het!Jongkey
Description: Jonghyun was a rose full of prickles and Gwiboon was a reckless and clueless kid who was too curious.
Author's Note: Un-beta'd. Sorry.

She walked off the bustling establishment, wishing she could leave her feelings behind as well. Sorrowful tears brimmed onto her eyes, slightly blurring her vision. She didn’t care anymore. She just want to sleep for a really long time and forget everything that she was feeling, what was inside her.

It was the first time she had proven that one’s chest will really ache when they face emotional difficulties. Gwiboon thought that it was a metaphor of some sort, that people are being ridiculous by linking heart into love interactions. Jonghyun made her feel things in different aspects, truthfully speaking, all of the aspects she could think of. When he touched her, she trembled, feeling something unusual on her stomach. When he told her simple things, her heart would skip a beat like literally. And when he broke her heart, she thought she couldn’t breathe-suffocating, as if she was being choked.

Running thoughtlessly, Gwiboon crossed the intersection in a hurry. Some car’s headlights flashed through her, an angry burst of automobile horn to accompany it.

“Gwiboon!” Jonghyun yelled from across the street. He almost had his heart dropped when the man stepped on his vehicle’s break. When he sensed that she was already far from danger, he crossed the road and bowed to the man, saying he’s sorry for he does not know how many times.

Gwiboon was still dazed, remaining silent. Even by the time when Jonghyun was escorting him to the side pavement, or by the time when Jonghyun started shouting.

“Kim Gwiboon!” He shook her by the shoulder. “Do you want to die?!” That was the time Gwiboon started to look at his eyes, still half lifeless. But right after she did, tears started to form again. It never seemed to fade, never seemed to cease. When she saw him, she didn’t want to do anything but cry.

He softened by the action, removing her hands off Gwiboon’s shoulder.

“Let’s stop this, Gwiboon-ah. Please?” he sighed defeated, refusing to look at her. “Stop doing this to yourself. You don’t deserve it.”

“What do you want me to do, Jonghyun?” she searched for his eyes, looking for an answer. “I want to stop, I want to know what’s happening but I can’t ask.”

“What do you mean you can’t ask?”

“I want to know what’s happening with your life. I want to ask what you were doing with her. I want to ask why you’re doing this to me.” She stopped, biting her lips in exasperation. “But I can’t. It’s hard, it’s frustrating! Especially when I know I don’t have a definite place in your life.” She said the last part in an almost inaudible manner but it was the statement that gave Jonghyun the biggest impact.

Silence engulfed the both of them. Both heads begged to scrutinize the situation. They found their selves sitting on the bus stop where a bus could head to Gwiboon’s dorm.

“You’re right. We don’t have a specific meaning to one another.” Jonghyun broke the silence which felt like it was triggered since age ago. “but I won’t lie and I won’t explain. Ask me your question and I’ll answer it truthfully.”

“Who’s that girl?”
“She’s Junghee.”

“What’s your relationship?”

“One of my hook-ups. We were together since the last day you saw me and yes, just like what you’re thinking we-“ Gwiboon hung her head low telling him to stop, he obliged, feeling the sting painted on her face. He couldn’t stand it but he decided to continue.

“We did it.” He repeated, completing his sentence.

As if on cue, Gwiboon’s bus has marked its arrival, causing the girl to run into it-without looking back, with her face full of tears. Jonghyun didn’t try to stop her, it was for the better. He wanted her to leave, to think twice in staying with him. He wanted her to realize that he is not the person she thought he is.

He sighed to himself, feeling complicated. Jonghyun never intended to hurt Gwiboon but it was the only way for her to go away. He was starting to develop something towards the girl, he knew it. He tried going out with others before, even sleeping with them but Gwiboon seemed to be different. She was fragile; he wouldn’t want to break her so before he does bigger things to hurt her, he thought its better for them to go separate ways.

Jonghyun never thought it would come to the point where he’d actually want to confess his love for the younger. At first, it was just a mere sense of security, where Jonghyun just want to keep her safe from the society. Because it was the first time he encountered someone as dense as her, as unknowledgeable as her. He knows the world so well that he does not want her to experience it. He desired to preserve her innocence at some point.

But that won’t happen as long as he’s by her side.

Gwiboon cried that night, and the night after, and after that. She does not know how many nights it has been since she lost contact with Jonghyun but hours definitely felt like days and days felt like weeks. Everything around her feels so heavy, unbearable.

“You okay?” Eunsook asked, almost every day.

She’d just nod off the older and go back to her room or leave for school. His professor would ask the same thing.

“Gwiboon. You know that your grades are affected by your mood right?” Mr. Choi asked her one day, pointing out her mood. “You’re one of the smartest students I have met and I know you can make through this emotional stress you’re in now. Just let me know if I could be of any help.” Maybe it’s the age difference-since their campus’ choice of faculty staff definitely have an age bracket amongst Gwiboon’s father’s age- but Mr. Choi has been like a brother to Gwiboon. The young dashing man always looked after her. It’s almost as if he’s the only one talking to her in school except Eunsook.

“I don’t know Mr. Choi. I don’t know how to feel better.” She said honestly, sighing on her way out.

Seventeen days later, Jonghyun was still restless about the incident between the two of them. He found himself lost and almost dysfunctional in some manner. After much contemplation, he finally decided to ask the bar’s manager for a day-off telling he was not feeling well.

He never knew why he did that. He just felt that he wouldn’t be able to do things rightfully, that he’d just mess up for sure. And so, without much thought, he walked along the pavements of where he last saw Gwiboon.

He couldn’t feel anything else but guilt. He had hurt her so much and he was reflecting but that wasn’t enough. He doesn’t even know how much would be enough.

His short and tedious journey brought him back to the bus stop. And inevitably, Gwiboon was there, sitting with her phone in her hands. He watched her stare at the handset, occasionally spinning it while grunting.

Slowly, Gwiboon brought up the device near her ears. She cringed at the first ring, turning it off right after.

‘1 miscall: Gwiboon’ were the words that flashed on Jonghyun’s screen and he don’t know if he’d feel jubilant or melancholic about it. The bus already came and he has no idea if she rode it. Without him realizing it, he sent something to Gwiboon.

‘I miss you.’

‘Me too.’ was her reply.

‘Will you listen to me if I explain?’ his hands trembled as he typed the words away.

‘Meet me.’

When that message came, the bus left and their eyes met. Jonghyun avoided the gaze and walked away. Gwiboon did the same action, following Jonghyun’s steps. Just like the second night they’ve been together, she followed behind without saying a word. They were both in a state of panic wherein they would just like to plan the things they’ll say to each other.

The trip to the apartment was nerve-wracking but the elevator ride was more intimidating. When the back of their hands touched, the first time after what felt like years, Jonghyun grabbed the opportunity and held her hands which later gained a squeeze back from the younger.

Elevator doors flashed open, revealing a familiar hallway. They paced pass and Jonghyun opened his apartment’s front door in one swift. Gwiboon watches the other close the door and look into her eyes.

“I missed you so much Gwiboon. So much.” He held her close into his arms, with so much intensity. Gwiboon couldn’t breathe but that’s alright, it was so much better than spending days without Kim Jonghyun.

“I missed you too.” She whispered in his left ear. The position remained still for moments; they never left the front door, fearing that they’ll waste time if they left each other’s arms.

“I didn’t want to hurt you. I just-you see I wanted you to leave me for your own sake but here I am, being selfish by having you next to me.” He broke the embrace but still holding on to her shoulders, his truthful eyes pierced a gaze on hers. “I’m sorry if I couldn’t protect you but if you want me to stay, if you’re willing to let me stay, I’ll do my best to keep you safe; unharmed. I don’t want to see you crying anymore.”

She shook her head and pressed her lips on to his as an answer. It was the first time she initiated it, the first time their kiss felt so alive with overflowing feelings.

And then things started to happen after another.

author: f, pairing: jonghyun/key, rating: pg-13

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