Mar 29, 2012 22:49
Summer is getting closer and I will be getting rather busy since I have both a dog, a horse aand school applications to focus on. We also haven't had internet at home at all for quite some years now and using the phone all the time is not only expensive, but it gives my fingers cramps and lately it is giving me some headaches too. Having as many muses as I do has proven itself to be quite hard. I therefore drop, with a heavy heart, Brian Joo and my diva Key. This way I have only Taecyeon to worry about, wich considering the circumstances will be more than enough to be keeping tabs on. Sometimes my phone doesn't agree with the net so I get this 403 error quite a lot, and that makes it a lot harder to rp three ppl. I am sorry that I had to drop and hope that JB will find happiness again. And also, I hope Onew will get his Keykey back again in the nearest future. Good luck you guys!