news, letter (Gentlemen's Alliance, Maika/Itsuki, #2)

Dec 15, 2007 12:08

title: Ashes, Ashes
fandom: Gentlemen's Alliance [Shinshi Doumei Cross]
pairing: Kamiya Maika/Otomiya Itsuki
prompts: #3, ;jolt', and #2, 'news; letter'
disclaimer: The characters and storyline off of which this is based belong to the talented Arina Tanemura. Not me. 
Rating: K+ (PG)

Can alternately be found here on

The heat is unbearable.
It literally beats down on him through the window, and he wants to take off his jacket so he won’t suffocate (even at so fine a school, air conditioning is a new innovation and it is broken). Then, he could feel it on his sticky skin and though he would be risking sunburn, that would be preferable.
He is emperor, though, so he sits like a statue in his desk, frozen and unmoving. Disbelieving. In a nightmare.
I’m taking this news so very well, he thought to himself, without even a trace of irony.
Emperor -
Kamiya Kazuhito has challenged your postion, and is calling for a movement against you. He wants to dethrone you on charges such as lack of trust.
-         Katsuro
Thirty agonizing minutes have passed since he’s received it.
Katsuro stands nervously before him, and Itsuki’s eyes move up from the paper to his assistant’s pale face.
“He’s challenging my position?”
“Yes, Emperor.”
“On terms of trust?”
“Explain, please.”
Katsuro takes a deep breath, despite the mild tone of Itsuki’s voice. He’s been working as Itsuki’s aid for years now - part of an up-and-coming but not-quite-there family.
If there is anyone he could trust in the power struggle that was about to crash through the school, then he supposes Katsuro was as good as any. Maika didn’t count, he thought quickly to himself, because this had nothing to do with her and, he was going to keep her out of it anyway.
“Kamiya-san wants to usurp your position, Emperor.” He glances at a single, uncrumpled, paper in his hands. “He’s citing lack of trust, as mentioned in my memo, and he’s asking for an election. I would say a ‘recount’, but Emperors are not voted into their office.”
There was quiet while Itsuki thought.
He almost forgot that he was sweating.
“Then we’ll have to beat him at his own game,” Itsuki said finally, quietly, mildly, just as he had spoken before.

He professionally clasped his red-with-heat hands and that was that.

“What’s distracting you?” she whispers to him in the hallway one day.
Two classes later, as he’s walking up the podium, he manages a whisper in reply: “It’s nothing. Don’t worry.”
She worries anyway.

He knows.

“How are things looking, Katsuro-san?”
“The people don’t want a change. They see no reason to elect you out of office - after all, you’re their Gold.”
Itsuki, despite himself, feels pleased and comforted by their faith.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Please, Maika, don’t worry for me.”

“The numbers are going well, emperor. There’s no need to worry.”


“… Will from now on be known as a Silver.”
Shock fills him. Shock fills him so there is no room for anger at Kazuhito’s betryal or Katsuro’s lies, for rage or for sorrow. He has fallen. He has fallen from the throne that he thought was granted to him, the only Gold - invincible, unrivaled - and he has fallen to - fallen to nothing, fallen to…
“Kamiya Kazuhito will be known as the new Gold.”
It is Katsuro who reads this, with seeming strength in his voice. Bravado, Itsuki realizes, because he alone hears and sees the shake in Katsuro’s voice and knees, as he calls Kazuhito’s name and bends down respectfully on one knee to his new emperor.
Kazuhito nods. He is ice as he always is, seemingly stoic and now, Itsuki discovers, cold blooded. What motivation would he have to steal Itsuki’s birthright? Did he only do it because he could.
Kazuhito walks to the podium, as Itsuki stands stock-still in shock.
“I have a new policy I would like to instill.”
Quiet falls over the cheering crowd of students, and Itsuki listens from a world away. His thoughts are frozen and slow moving in another time and place.
“I would like to create a position that is beneath Gold, but above Silver.”
Itsuki is weakly tugged back to the here and now. He feels a tinge of disgust. Is Kazuhito going to rub salt in his would by making false amends, granting him this position? If he does, then Itsuki will have to…
“My new platinum will be Rikyuu Maika.”
What was Kazuhito playing at?
(A silence falls and Maika walks slowly to the stage with a painful reluctance.)
There is something about the way he said ‘my’ that Itsuki does not like at all.

Itsuki walks into the Emperor’s office one last time. It is his until five o’ clock this afternoon. That is what the school director said, in tones that were polite but not respectful. And that is all he said, before turning his back on Itsuki to shake Kazuhito’s hand again.
He opens the door.
Maika is there, and she jumps at him, sobbing. She nearly knocks him over with her weight, and he holds her. Tightly. She just cries for a while, and he knows why. Kazuhito has bought her off. Forced her to be his. It was all so evident, to Itsuki; just the way Kazuhito had said her name.
Her sobs slow, and finally, she loosens her hold. She looks into his eyes and kisses him lightly, but he continues to hold.
“I have to go now,” she says, with the voice of one who has become weary and worn with weeping.
“Stay,” he whispers into her hair. She smells good. He can’t really tell what she smells like, maybe it’s some kind of flower. He wants to know. He wants to know everything about her now, because after now there will never be another time for those kinds of questions.
She lets him go with one last look, and the tears in her eyes make him hate the world for making her cry like this.
(It’s too much for him to handle. He wishes he could turn off these feelings. But it’s impossible.)
Through a daze, he walks to his desk and gathers his things. When he is finished, he sees a typed up memo on the desk. He picks it up and reads it.
Otomiya Itsuki -
I hope that you have gathered up your things. I ask on behalf of the Emperor that you leave your office by 3:00 this afternoon. I regret that you must leave sooner than the school director requested of you. I hope this does not put any constraint on your valuable time.
- Cordially, Maeda Katsuro
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