getting excited about fic, fairytales, recommended reading

Jul 12, 2011 00:01

I'm really excited about this fic I'm writing. It's coming along in bits and pieces, which is typical, but it's coming along. It's a Resident Evil fic (yeah, laugh) that draws heavily on the Snow Queen. Snow Queen + RE is like milkshakes and fries: unexpectedly good together. Or, at least, I hope it'll come out that way.

(I will not think about all the fics I lost when my computer crashed. I won'tIwon'tIwon't... fuck. Still hoping to find them on a USB somewhere. Ha.)

I knew about the Snow Queen as a kid thanks to VHS tapes, but a few years ago I fell in love with Come Inside, an Ouran fic that retells Snow Queen and made me rethink it. It's very preachy (hello, Hans Christen Anderson), but also beautiful (hello, Hans Christen Anderson, you wonderful man!!!).

A simple google brought up two poems that I liked: here and here. I miss poetry in English class. Already. I'm so sad.

And DANCE WITH DRAGONS comes out today. I'm 27/99 for the book at my library, but I'm debating buying it. Lev Grossman (author of The Magicians, also a good book) already gave it a glowing review. I am now drooling.

I also found t his comm, which does fic recs. I think I want to marry it. Seriously. After a long time in the KyouHaru fandom, I can say that I'd only read half of the ones this person recced, and all of those were duly fantastic. It hasn't been updated in a while, but the rec lists are extensive enough to keep me busy.

rec, books, fanfiction

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