Life is not a Song - a Sansa Stark FST

Sep 26, 2011 11:16

 Title: Life is Not a Song
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire/ Game of Thrones
Subject: Sansa Stark (a touch of Sansa/Littlefinger, or at least Littlefinger -> Sansa)
Warnings: spoilers for Feast
Notes: Not available for download (sorry). Instead you can listen to it in either of two user-friendly sites (8tracks or Lyrics and  listening under the cut. Also includes a wallpaper from the coverart and alternate covers.

C a r n i v a l - Natalie Merchant
have I been wrong?
have I been wise?
to shut my eyes
and play along?

S h e e p  S o n g  - The Dresden Dolls
but I see a sheep that will not leave
from the back they catch him in a trap
hit his head and send him off to bed...
all the studies say that if they're calm when they die
they taste better

A s l e e p - Emily Browning (cover of The Smiths)
sing me to sleep
I'm tired and I,
I want to go to bed

"All she wanted was for things to be nice and pretty,
the way they were in the songs."

S u r r e n d e r  - Sarah Brightman
No more wars to fight
White flags fly tonight
You are out of danger now
Battle field is still
Wild poppies on the hill
Peace can only come when you surrender

T h e  T r i c k  i s  t o  K e e p  B r e a t h i n g  - Garbage
lately I'm not the only one
I say never trust anyone
always the one who has to drag her down
maybe you'll get what you want this time around

"They had repaid that love and trust with her father’s head. Sansa
would never make that mistake again."

D o l l  P a r t s - Hole
I am
doll eyes
big veins
dog bait...
I fake it so real I am beyond fake

“Some septa trained you well. You’re like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you?
A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite.”

T h e  D a r k e r  D a y s  o f  M e  a n d  H i m - PJ Harvey
promises, promises
I'm feeling burned
you taught me a lesson
I didn't want to learn

"Come to the godswood
if you want to go home."

G r e e n  F i n c h  a n d  L i n n e t  B i r d -  Jeyne Todd (Johanna)
my cage has many rooms, damask and dark
nothing there sings, not even my lark
larks never will, you know,
when they're captive
teach me to be more adaptive

D a g g e r  - Emily Jane White
Your legs are no longer but you walk just the same
Your charm is a pleasure yet an ever changing cage
It's like I walked into a dagger, took a step back
You turned around and didn't look back

"He is serving me lies as well, Sansa realized. They were comforting lies, though,
and she thought them kindly meant. A lie is not so bad if it is kindly meant.
If only she believed them."

P r e c i o u s  T h i n g s  - Tori Amos
so I ran faster
but it caught me here
guess my loyalty's turned
like my ankle
in seventh grade
running after Billy
running after the rain
these precious things
let them bleed
let them wash away

"Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been
before Joffrey cut her father’s head off.

Sansa pitied them.

Sansa envied them."


(missing "The Trick is to Keep Breathing")
(missing "Surrender, "Green Finch", and "Dagger")

(art in alternate cover is licensed art by this artist)


here                     here
~Comments are well-loved, but not necessary. If you have any questions/thoughts on song choices, go for it. 

fst, a song of ice and fire/game of thrones, fanmix

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