Temptation Waits - a Balthier/Fran FST

Jul 22, 2010 23:04

title: Temptation Waits
subject: Balthier/Fran
fandom: Final Fantasy XII
notes: Because they're badass sky pirates and bff. Also, no downloads available. Alas. (Minor note: please ignore some spelling mistakes... I'm too lazy to go and fix them in photoshop.)

Long, Long Time Ago - Javier Naverrete


(In the Wood, Fran whispers to her sisters in the stillness.

They never seem to hear.)

Human Behavior - Bjork

be ready to get confused
there is definitely no logic
to human behavior
and yet so irresistable

(They stand too close and speak too oftten, too false, and yet, too free.)

Temptation Waits - Garbage

you are a secret
a new possesion
I like to keep you guessing
I never needed anybody like this before
well, I'm not sure what I'm living for
when I'm not sure what I'm looking for

(He smiles at her, a pirate's grin, and runs his hand along the gleaming
metal of his ship. Wordlessly, he promises all that she hoped lay before her,
all that she cannot articulate.)

Supermassive Black Hole - Muse

you set my soul alight

(There are no words when you are out of breath
and running from a chase, and Vaan, eager though he is,
learns this soon enough. Piracy is a quiet job, for all
the whispers and explosions that  it garners.)

This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy

I don't really care which side wins
as long as the room keeps singing
that's just the business that I'm in
...I'm the leading man
and the lies I weave are oh-so-intricate

(He grins.)

Birthday - The Bird and the Bee

who knows the sum 
the sum of all your parts
who knows your limit
who knows your highest 
who knows your lowest

(She only need look at him to know that
they may gain some profit for their trouble.)

All the Things She Said - T.A.T.U.

wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me
nobody else, so we can be free
... tell me, what do you see?
have I lost my mind?

(Fran's heart aches for her sisters, for the Green Word.

Hush, she tells it, you are home.)

Gotta be Somebody's Blues - Jimmy Eat World

let the water come
she's the only one I love
...will they see the sky again?
who will their blues for them?
...when you're feeling moved,
you can have your conscience all you want
you can't say I do nothing, yeah
I put it off

(He keeps silent in the vein of politics, until she notices the muscles near
his mouth twitch, and, seconds later, a snide comment tumbling out.

Ashe raises her chin against it.

"I have no desire but freedom, princess.")

Bachelorette - Bjork

I'm a whisper in water
secret for you to hear

(It unsettles him that he sees, dimly, but definitely,
 a reflection of himself in her.)

Human - The Killers

...and I'm on my knees,
looking for the answer,
are we human
or are we dancers?
...will your system be all right
when you dream of home tonight?

(He sighs, and surrenders himself to
what Fran already recognized as justice. He is not cold-hearted, however
he might pretend to it. She wants to say something, to tell him
that he should not dread what is past.)

The Real Thing - Gwen Stefani

I've seen your face a thousand times
have all your stories memorized
... I think I know you inside out

Flames - VAST

you are the only thing
that makes me want to live at all

(It would be, perhaps, romantic to claim otherwise, but Fran expected
him to carry her through the flames. She would have done the same for him.)

Fools Rush In (Kevin Shields Remix) - Bow Wow Wow

fools rush in where wise men never go
but wise men never fall in love
so how are they know?
when we met I felt my life begin
so open up your heart and let
this fool rush in

(As they say, an end is only a new beginning.)


fst, music, final fantasy xii

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