Lovesick - an Izumi/Meroko FST

Apr 06, 2010 21:19

a/n: This accompanies an AU Izumi/Meroko fic I'm working on. Each song corresponds to some of the song quoted at the beginning of the chapter/chapters. And yes, I know there are very few people who read the story, much less will be interested in an FST. But I like it, so shut up. xD

Since it's a 'realistic' AU, with older, human characters (instead of a supernatural shoujo manga), I decided to use real Japanese celebrities to represent the characters. Jin Akanishi is Izumi (I have no idea who he is; I chose him for his pretty face) and Meroko is 90s pop sensation Namie Amuro. I photoshoped them a litlte, and voila!

If anyone desperately wants a .zip, just tell me. I might be able to arrange it. All I'm posting here is a youtube playlist so you can listen to the music.

Note that the tracklist and youtube playlist will be updated as the chapters are. Enjoy!

EDIT: Note also that as my iTunes shifts, I no longer have some of these songs. Additionally, many aren't available on, which I've embedded hear for listening. To make up for it, I've added other songs that inspired this fic, but weren't used in chapter titles. I bolded the songs actually used in chapter titles.

Amen - Jewel

in the bible only angels have wings/and the rest must wait to be saved/.../pieces of us die every day/ as though our flesh were hell/such an injustice/as children we are told that/from god we fell/
where are my angels?/where's my golden one?

Linger - The Cranberries

but i'm in so deep/you know i'm such a fool for you

Stripper - Sohodolls

don't touch the girls/don't kiss the girls/I have the right to pay
the girls/get in a fight/one every night/the scratches the bruises,
and the bites

Love Song - Liz Phair

I started feeling sick yesterday/
and it's only gotten worse
they used to tell you love's a blessing/
but now I know it's just a curse

Cold and Intimate - Nitin Sawhney

I smell the lies beneath your smile/
you hesitate/ you deviate/
from pictures filled with silence

Pretty Girl - Sugarcult

she's beautiful as usual/with bruises on her ego and/her killer
instinct tells her to/ be aware of evil men/ and that's what you
get for falling again, you could never get him out of your head...

Siren - Tori Amos

know too well/ know the chill/know she breaks/my siren/
know teenage flesh/know the chill/know she breaks/ my siren

Don't Push Me - Sugarbox

don't push me so hard/
don't push me so far/
don't cage me in...

Your Ex-Lover is Dead - Stars

there's one thing i want to say/ so i'll be brave/you were what i
wanted/i gave what i gave/i'm not sorry i met you/i'm not sorry it's
over/i'm not sorry/there's nothing to say

Calendar Girl - Stars

December is darkest and June is the light/
but this empty bedroom won't make anything right

Slackerbitch - Placebo

you come across impure/(i didn't mean it)/you're goddamn immature/
(i didn't mean it)/you act so insecure/(i didn't mean it)/you hate me
now i'm sure/(i didn't mean it)

Once and Never Again - The Long Blondes

another drama by the kitchen sink tonight/ you said you cut yourself
while washing up the knives/ another week off school won't
do you any good/.../ nineteen/ you're only
nineteen for god's sake/ and you
don't need a boyfriend

She Came in Through the Bathroom Window -
??? (Beatles cover)

she said she'd always been a dancer/
worked at fifteen clubs a day/
and she thought I knew the answer/
well I knew, but I could not say

Dissolved Girl - Massive Attack

Cause it feels like I've been/ I've been
here before/
you're not my savior/
but I still don't go

My Dark Life - Elvis Costello

She came on/ like a light/
and so softly she spoke/
"You don't know, you don't know about
my dark life"/.../

now as you tear your dreams/
from consumptive ballerinas'
she'll stand on tiptoe for you in her/
gray and tattered tutu/.../

she stays where she is/
cause of voyeurs like this

Rabbit Heart - Florence + the Machine

here I am, a rabbit-hearted girl/
frozen in the headlights.../
I must become/
a lion-hearted girl/
ready for a fight

Deep Waters - Portishead

I'm drifting in deep waters/
alone with my self-doubting again/
try not to struggle this time/
for I will weather the storm
Seven Days - Azure Ray

to uncover what was purposefully lost /
and we all looked so desperate/
showing the guidance that we lack
Sea of Doubt - Azure Ray

but nothing could move this heart/
until I held the little boy's hand/
the little one spoke like a man/
he showed me death and said/
' this is how you know you're alive'

Heart - Stars

you get back on the latest flight to paradise/
I found out, from a note taped to the door/
I think I saw your airplane in the sky tonight/
through my window, lying on the kitchen floor/

... I'm still in love with you



fst, fandom, fanfiction

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