I'm pretty busy, so it's time for a meme

Sep 21, 2009 10:04

Stolen from
p_sky . I haven't done a meme in ages. I'm getting all excited...

Six ships you're into right now:
1. Spike/Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
2. Ulquiorra/Orihime (Bleach)
3. Balthier/Fran (FFXII)
4. Xander/Anya (Buffy)
5. Izumi/Meroko (Full Moon)
6. Ayu/Mayama (Honey and Clover)

Three ships you liked, but don't anymore:
7. Tamaki/Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club)
8. Chuck/Blair (Gossip Girl)
9. Claire/Peter (Heroes)

Three ships you never liked:
10. Buffy/Angel (Buffy)
11. Claire/West (Heroes)
12. Vaan/Penelo (FFXII)

Two ships you're curious about, but don't actually ship:
13. Wesley/Faith (Buffy)
14. Victor/Sierra (Dollhouse)

Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Claire/West)
West was such a REBEL, and he was so COOL. Really, I felt like the writers were (needlessly) foisting a love interest on Claire... maybe to quash all hopes of a Peter/Claire relationhship. Anyway, he hopped into the show, then flew away at the end of the season and never came back. At least, I don't think he ever did. THAT is exactly how nugatory he was.

(You don't have ME fooled, Heroes. He may be her uncle, but he still has way more chemistry with her than this guy.)

Who is someone you know that ships #14? (Victor/Sierra)

One of my real life friends, who also got me into the series in the first place. I don't know anyone else, since I'm not in the Dollhouse fandom (well, at least not yet... I'm hoping this season will change that).

(you can't deny how cute they are, and they're a hundred times cuter in context)

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Balthier/Fran) Fran staying at his side till his death. I think it would be painful for her (and for him) but they're partners to the end, and I think it's perfect for them.


(Vaan and Basch can both only WISH they were as cool and sexy as these partners in crime)

Which is your favorite moment for couple #1? (Spike/Buffy)
This is hard, since they have so many squee/hot/love/hot/pain/love moments. I'd have to say the entirety of 'Dead Things'. It's got the pain, the hot, and the squee-it's-love, all packed in one disturbingly good episode (I mean, there's lots of sex, Spike getting beaten up by a very emotional Buffy after trying to solver her messy problem for her, some very interesting dream sequences, and, of course, the tender trying-NOT-to-want-to-be-with-you moment).

(I tried to find a picture of the door scene, but apparently the internet is more interested in their sexytiems)

How long have you been following couple #6? (Ayu-Mayama)
 Since I started reading Shojo Beat, which is, like, two years ago?

(is it cruel to love you both and to simultaneously hope that you'll never be together?)

(hey, I found the door scene!)

(look at that blatant longing!)

What's the story with #8? (Chuck/Blair)

The misogynistic player who never had any interest in a woman finally finds a woman who tells him what to do. And tells him loudly and specifically. Said woman is really a sad, scorned girl, who loses her virginity in his limo. Afterwards, he's fascinated. She, on the other hand, is trying to shake him. Both of them end up with a lot of teary confessions that the other rejects. Over and over again... but hey. That's why we love these crazy kids.

Choose from #10 or #12. (Buffy/Angel vs. Claire/West)

Buffy and Angel get to stay, by a long shot. They had some great moments, even though I originally found him flat (and pretty much did during his entire duration on BtVS). Besides, all of that season of Heroes would be better without West.

What interests you about #14? (Sierra/Victor)

It's the idea of true, pure attraction (I hesitate to say 'love', because it's not quite that strong or simple). The memory wiping adds a unique dimension: when you forget someone every few days, what draws you back to that person every time? What is so special and inexplicable about those bonds?.

Why did you stop liking #7? (Tamaki/Haruhi)

KyouHaru came along and ate my soul.

(beware the awesome, or it will eat you, too)

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show/manga? (Claire/Peter)

Yeah, but mostly I quite watching regularly because the show was kind of crazy and all over the place. But I'll just say that the lack of Paire did not help.

What’s a song that reminds you of #5? (Izumi/Meroko)

'Pins and Needles' by Billy Talent. I love that song, but basically it's about a boy who uses a girl then finds out (after she's gone) that he needs her and was stupid to let her go - and wants her back again. And he apologizes for being such a perverse jerk.

If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?

I can't imagine any of them double-dating, but I guess Ayu and Mayama might be compatible with Izumi and Meroko. MAYBE.

Has #2 kissed yet? (Ulquiorra/Orihime)

No... but if you put on your fangirl glasses, there's been an attempt at hand-holding and some possible boob-groping.

(groping never looked so nice)

Did #4 have a happy ending? (Xander/Anya)

No. He left her at the altar and she never forgave him. Then she died. Which really sucked, because most of the reason I (mildly) ship this pairing is because of Anya. I like you, Xander, but you are not a strangely literal vengeance demon turned human who finds joy in capitalism and chips. You are not Anya.

(I never thought such a stupid soap opera-y scenario could be so sad)

What would make you start shipping #13? (Faith/Wesley)

I I'm only even interested in this specific pairing because I read a fantastic fic about them and it suddenly seemed so perfect. Which is weird. But I pimp Wes with Fred, Illyria, Lilah, AND Cordy, and Faith is good with Angel or Xander. So really I'm open to any pairing involving either of these two. But, overall, I think I need to watch more Angel before I decide. Since I *gulp* haven't actually seen much of it (just S5, and assorted S1 & S2).

(case in point: I don't even know which episode thi is from)

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6? (Ulquiorra/Orihime vs. Ayu/Mayama) ULQUIORRA/ORIHIME, ABSOLUTELY! Didn't I just say I prefer Ayu and Mayama apart, anyway? xD

fandom, meme

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