what the fuck is wrong with people

Mar 16, 2007 07:46

i cried so hard after reading the story behind the cut.

Lisa Kiava

(WCCO) A St. Paul family is both heartbroken and terrified tonight after their dog was killed.

St. Paul Police say someone cut off the dog's head and wrapped it in a box for the family to find.

The case is especially devastating because the Australian Shepherd was a special therapy dog owned by a 17-year-old girl.

"Nobody had seen the dog," said Bobbi Brown, mother of the dog's owner.

The family hung up missing posters throughout their St. Paul neighborhood. They frantically searched for their beloved pet, Chevy.

"When she got the package, that's how we found out," said Bobbi.

Left at the steps, a package in Christmas wrapping paper, addressed to 17-year-old Crystal Brown. She opened it.

"She was just hysterical. She was screaming, she said 'Grandma, it's my dog's head.' I said no it can't be... and it was the dog's head," said Shirley Brown, Crystal's Grandmother.

"I had to ask my grandma five different times, 'Is that my dog?'" said Crystal. "I didn't believe her."

Bobbi still sobs, recalling that day two weeks ago.

"They had the box outside on the stairs and his head was in there," she said.

The family said they were disappointed with how St. Paul police responded. They said officers didn't collect evidence, but told them to throw everything away. They also accuse two officers of laughing.

"And to sit and laugh and the dog's head is right in front of you at your feet ... give me a break ... so I reported them the next day," said Shirley.

A spokesman for St. Paul Police said he can't talk about the initial officers' response because that's an internal investigation now.

Crystal has a new therapy dog, a gift from her grandmother, but only an arrest will ease the family's mind.

"That is so cruel," said Bobbi. "I miss him."

The dog's body was discovered in a park. The family believes the suspect is someone they know.

St. Paul Homicide officers are investigating the case now, not because the dog was killed but because they consider what happened a high-level threat against the family.">
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