Feb 04, 2005 17:54
STOLE THIS FROM jeremy lol
..Your Room..
01. What color are your walls? off white
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? this beige color with these box thing on it..i dunno its complicated OR purple and white checkered
03. What color is your rug? the CARPET is this brownish color..the only RUG i have is in the bathroom and its purple
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? umm an abercrombie and fitch model lol
05. Do you have a TV? yea
06. Do you have a phone? not at the moment lol...
07. Do you have your own computer? yea
08. Do you have a desk? yea
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? mmm my pillow and my box with all my special stuff in it
10. What are your most favorite things in your room? my bed lol
11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? not really..i have a desk lamp lol...its silver and bends..
..Getting Ready..
01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? go back to sleep... or pee
02. Anything unusual? i dont think but theres probably something
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school? not really..i make sure something is clean but thats it
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? some days but most of the time i dont really care
01. What color is your backpack? blue...i dont really like carrying it, but i have so much homework i have no choice
02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work? yea, 98% of the time....my grades dont reflect that sometimes lol but you know..
03. Do you listen or doodle? a combination...i dont really doodle though i space out and think of different things
04. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out? i eat at school most of the time unless i have chemistry
05. What do you do right when schools over? go home usually
When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable? nah
02. Happy? usually
03. Tired? definitely
04. LEAVE ME ALONE? ....what? lol
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? if i do im running
02. What are some hobbies of yours? music
03. Do you collect anything? i dont think...not on purpose
04. What do you do in your spare time? internet/phone..shop...i dont really have very much spare time lately though
..Night Time..
01. What do you do before you go to bed? take my make up off and say my prayers
02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight? of course
03. What way do you sleep? every way...i move around a lot
04. Do you like your life? on good days
[x]Last cigarette: never smoked one and dont have the desire
[x]Last car ride: a MISERABLE one on the way home from the doctor
[x]Last kiss: mm about two or three weeks ago
[x]Last good cry: today...on the way home from the doctor and when i got home...till i took medicine that i still feel high off of
[x]Last library book checked out: The Color Purple
[x]Last movie seen: uhh 50 first dates
[x]Last book read: The Color Purple or Jane Eyre
[x]Last cuss word uttered: fuck because i was HURTING so bad..mom didnt even yell lol
[x]Last beverage drank: water water water
[x]Last food consumed: i havent eaten since yesterday at lunch soo tots!
[x]Last crush: secrets secrets
[x]Last phone call: my aunt libbie or laura
[x]Last TV show watched: CSI last night
[x]Last shoes worn: uh houseshoes which im wearing right now...they're ducks =)
[x]Last CD played: Avenged Sevenfold
[x]Last item bought: umm i dont know...my medicine but i didnt pay for that
[x]Last annoyance: people who walk around smiling for no reason...like through walgreens parking lot...it makes you look stupid lol
[x]Last disappointment: too complicated to explain
[x]Last soda drank: mello yello
[x]Last thing written: this prolly or my little three paragraphs for The Color Purple
[x]Last key used: the one to get into the house
[x]Last words spoken: love you (to my daddy)
[x]My father thinks I am: his little girl lol...which is true..im a daddy's girl
[x]My mother thinks I am: smart (sometimes true) and that i dont ever do anything wrong (not always true)
[x]My siblings think I am: im an only child
[x]My grandma thinks I am: silly and trashy cause i wear heels and have a belly button ring..heaven forbid
[x]My grandpa thinks I am: well he thought i dropped out of school so go figure
[x]My boyfriend/girlfriend thinks I am: boys = bad news
[x]My best friend(s) think(s) I am: silly...i guess i dont know..ask them lol
[x]Three worst qualities: i dunno
[x]A compliment you got that made you blush: umm i dunno
[x]You get embarrassed when: never lol i embarrass myself way too much to get embarrassed about it
[x]What makes you happy: my friends and music
[x]What upsets you: not a lot..im a fighter..lol