My playstation sometimes refused to play certain games... if yours makes a strange grating sound while loading then it's probably the same thing. I got my dad to sort it out... all it needs apparently is a bit of oil on the runners that the lens is seated on... and apparently it only takes a few screws to get at it. If you know someone techonologically inclined I'm sured they'd know what I mean better than I do.
No matter what you like there's going to be some people who'll get at you for liking it. There's nothing you can realy do except ignore it and every now and again vent.
Leaving home is damn scary. Luckily because I was away from home due to uni I still live at home some of the time. The first day when my parents left me to survive, with a bit of food some money I was terrifed. I didn't know anyone within hundreds of miles, but I made frends and eventually learnt to live the Cowboy Bebop way... instant noodles. You'll learn to cope and enjoy the freedom. You might not leave to move in with a friend but chances are you'll end up moving out eventually I'm just trying to let you know it's possible to survive even if you have no cooking ability (like me) but it will increase any money problems you have.
Oh and about parents never expect them to stop complaing about what you spend your money on. I've seen my mum get complaied at for buying stuff.
Oh and if someone complains about you reading comics just remember "most films and computer games start out as storyboards. You're just catching things at a purer level"
No matter what you like there's going to be some people who'll get at you for liking it. There's nothing you can realy do except ignore it and every now and again vent.
Leaving home is damn scary. Luckily because I was away from home due to uni I still live at home some of the time. The first day when my parents left me to survive, with a bit of food some money I was terrifed. I didn't know anyone within hundreds of miles, but I made frends and eventually learnt to live the Cowboy Bebop way... instant noodles. You'll learn to cope and enjoy the freedom. You might not leave to move in with a friend but chances are you'll end up moving out eventually I'm just trying to let you know it's possible to survive even if you have no cooking ability (like me) but it will increase any money problems you have.
Oh and about parents never expect them to stop complaing about what you spend your money on. I've seen my mum get complaied at for buying stuff.
Oh and if someone complains about you reading comics just remember "most films and computer games start out as storyboards. You're just catching things at a purer level"
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