
Oct 24, 2008 17:44

OMFG I have SO1 and Im already to the Van Kingdom cuz I played for 2 days straight ( Read more... )

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nest October 26 2008, 20:26:19 UTC
Nice! Good job on finishing it! :D It's a pretty short game, but considering how much replay value there is, it doesn't bother me. xD I remember blowing through it really fast once I figured out where the Purgatorium was. Now that it's been released in English, I've been taking more time in experimenting with Item Creation, trying to trigger as many PAs as possible, and extra dungeons. (I wound up passing over Erys, too, but I intend to get her during my second playthrough.) I'm at about 20 hours now myself, and am towards the end of the game, but I wanted to make sure I've done everything I wanted to do on Roak before moving on.

Yeah, I didn't know about the Divine Comedy edit either until I saw the original on YouTube. Then I played Second Evolution, and sure enough, there it was. It's pretty creepy-looking.

I don't blame you for being kinda >:( about it the edits. I mean, we all would like to see it as close to the original as possible. My guess is that isn't so much the translators' fault as it is the publishers', though. The localization team were probably given certain restrictions/edits they had to follow in order for the game to get released in America. I'm glad to see it get fewer edits than it would have 10 years ago, though. SO2 was actually censored a good deal -- Divine Comedy, the Ten Wise Men, alcohol references, and the tea date PA with Claude and Ashton all come to mind.

Yeah, I know how it is, seeing other people complain about stuff they really shouldn't be moaning about, especially when you feel like you're getting the shorter end of the stick. But, Over all, I think the domestic release of this game has been good quality, occasionally dumb edits aside. It would have been nice to see a few things done differently, though. I'm just glad they chose to release it at all -- I honestly wasn't expecting them to, and in a pretty timely matter, too!

I'm looking forward to seeing how SE's domestic release is handled myself. I don't think names and things will completely match up to the PSX version, but I'm really hoping they'll leave all the playable characters' names intact. If the way they handled FD is any indicator, though, I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing Crawd around. "Claude" just sounds so much nicer, imo, and it's something most people are used to. ;;

Hahah, it's sounds like you've played it a lot. xDD I actually didn't get into the Star Ocean fandom until a couple years ago, when I played SO3, and then I played SO2 and loved it way more than 3. Most people I know who've played the game really seem to have a lot of, I dunno, nostalgia for it? So I'm sure SE's localization will be held to a higher standard than FD's was.

And LOL OperaxDias. GOOD LUCK. Considering there are NO PAs with that guy in the original, I doubt it'll be easy. But, hey! Maybe you can have an easier time at in SE?

And no prob! I love talking about this stuff, and I'm getting pretty long-winded myself. xD SORRY.

Thanks! I will (even though I guess I already am, hahah). I have couple of friends who own a copy, but one person is still within the first three hours of the game, and the other hasn't even touched it, so I'm like, "YOU GUYS 8D;;" It was completely sold out in most of the game stores where I live, though, so I'm at least glad to see it selling well.


shindow_kitsu October 28 2008, 17:02:39 UTC
I'll have to check out the Youtube thing myself. I know much about the alcohol edits-- which don't really bother me UNLESS its similar to the scene in SO1 or Tales of Phantasia.. "Im so full" just doesnt sound right (referring to ToP)

I am really far in the game, possibly the final tower in SO2 on my OperaxDias file. The main problem is they won't call each others names; but I figure I'll use the Book Trick and make everyone equal and then raise theirs-- I usually test that before the final boss-- Ah, I remember why I havent completed it.. I cant kill Indalecio without that 2nd set of Bunny Shoes (Opera and Dias are both slow-- I can barely manage with 1 set on a regular game too) so Ive been meaning to go to the CoT and get it lol

I figured we might get SO:SE, but not FD-- I am very thrilled it got release here, the only problem is that SO3 is WHY. I can not stand that game whatsoever!! I got it on the day of release and I havent completed it yet. I got to recruit Albel and got VERY BORED with the whole thing. It didnt help I had heard the plot spoiler which makes me consider the whole thing non-canon in the series as it is. They complicated Item Creation way too much; they got rid of a world map which has been Hell for me; I could complain about it a long time, but at least the characters are a saving grace-- and I want to fight Lenneth <3 So I might try to finish it eventually. I am a total Cliff fan XD

I finally managed to find a SOFD guidebook at my gamestop so I snagged it up right away. I'll probably restart my file soon. I have one question though-- For Erys, do you have to NOT have Joshua or do you? ^^; It confused me on that saying if you had him you couldnt recruit her, but I thought it was just the opposite.


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