Shindou-Touya log.

Jan 20, 2007 03:23

Private log: Touya and Shindou. In which there is a shopping trip, awkwardness, and... more awkwardness.

This actually takes place tomorrow (Saturday).

Touya: *walks into a posh department store or something of the sort along with Shindou, and is immediately distracted by the perfume counter* Oooh, Shindou. What's that smell? Is that... Ralph Lauren's new scent?

Shindou: *pulls Touya far awa from perfumes* Those are for girls! Stop trying to sniff them! *points to men's department* We're shopping there today. *resists urge to ask Touya if he's ever been to that side of department stores*

Touya: *frowns* But...

Shindou: *facepalms* Oh man. *pulls Touya towards the shirt rack and picks out two shirts - one black, one white - and holds them to Touya's chest* Hmm. *reaches for blue shirt and does the same* I don't know...

Touya: I look washed out in white.

Touya: That blue is hideous.

Shindou: *raises his eyebrows a little* Fine. *puts white away and holds out the black* There. That looks normal on you. *pushes it into Touya's hands and continues walking around store*

Touya: Are you sure this is my size? *checks the tag* Hm. Medium. I'm a small, Shindou. A small.

Touya: *picks out a small* There.

Touya: *occurs to him that it might not have been a mistake* ...Shindou.

Touya: ...Do you think I'm fat? *stares all O.O*

Shindou: *heads hang low and sighs* This day is going to be longer than I thought. *gives Touya a weird look* You sound like my mom. *sighs again* Just pick whatever size you want, okay? *tugs him along by the arm and then stops abruptly* Here, pants. *picks out three pairs and steers Touya towards the dressing room*

Touya: *is dragged along* How do you know these are my size? This pair certainly isn't, and what on earth is this? This pair has HOLES, Shindou. Why do these pants have holes?

Shindou: *glares at Touya* No questions! Go into this room! Put them on! Then come back here so I can tell you if they look stupid or not! *folds arms across chest and tries to look threatening to some degree*

Touya: Well of course they're going to look stupid - this pair is too small and this pair is filled with holes!

Touya: *slams the door and gets dressed in the too-small ones to prove his point* See? *pants may or may not cling nicely*

Shindou: *stares at Touya blankly* *carefully measures just how good or bad the pants in question fit* *notices the cling* *face goes a little red* Fine, they don't fit. Try the next pair! *glares at Touya, who is making him feel awkward but he doesn't know why* What are you staring at me for, go change!

Touya: *glares, and slams the door again* I refuse to wear these ones with holes. Honestly. What are they even doing in a store? They're not even good enough for Goodwill. *despite all of this, he puts them on and emerges red-faced and pouty* They're horrible, Shindou.

Shindou: Stop complaining. *steps closer* *tugs on one of the belt loops* Are you sure you put these on right? They seem crooked.

Touya: ...uh. Y-yes?

Shindou: *tugs again* *frowns* Maybe that's how they're supposed to look. *steps back* Fine, try the other one.

Touya: *almost looses his balance, which would be good/bad because that would mean tripping into Shindou* ...all right. *goes back in and tries on a normal-looking pair of jeans that presumably fit him just fine* Hm. *emerges* These aren't terrible.

Shindou: *thinks "finally!" to himself* You're getting those. *reaches for Touya's wrist and pulls him along through the store, grabbing a few t-shirts* This one might be, this one is pink...hmm... *drags Touya back to the fitting room* Okay, here are six t-shirts. Try them on.

Touya: Pink?! Where?!

Touya: Shindou, I want the pink one.

Touya: *pushes past and searches for it!*

Shindou: *runs after him immediately* *grabs the end of the shirt he's currently wearing and cries out "no!"* *tries to stop Touya but fails and falls on the floor* *mutters angrily into the carpet*

Touya: *found the pink shirt omgyay!* This is wonderful. *checks the tag* And 100% cotton! *hugs it and ignores Shindou, then grabs another shirt for Bakura, who said he would like one too* Come, Shindou. *smiles and maybe kicks him lightly as he gets up*

Shindou: *stands and points angrily at Touya's back* You! Are not! Following! The agreement!

Shindou: *continues yelling until he feels store attendant clapping a hand over his mouth* *mutters an apology and walks angrily after Touya*

Touya: I wore and am buying your pants. I will probably buy at least half these shirts. Surely one pink one is a reasonable exception? *gives him a Look*

Shindou: *gives him a Look to rival said Look* It's not. *tries to grab pink shirt away and fails* Why can't you like boy colours!

Touya: Yes, it is. Pink can be a "boy color". Why must you discriminate against certain colors?

Touya: I will try it on and show you how nice it looks. *slams the dressing room door*

Shindou: *facepalms* *waits a little* *facepalms again because hello, pink*

Touya: *emerges smiling and still admiring the pink shirt upon his person* See? :]

Shindou: *looks at Touya* *makes a "blech!" face* *looks away* Tell me when you've put on something that doesn't make you look like a girl.

Touya: *glares* How can you not like this? You have no taste, Shindou. *goes back to try something else on* And now that I know how much you apparently hate this shirt, I resolve to wear it whenever we are together if it's clean and matches and doesn't clash with anything else. And if I remember. But rest assured, you will be seeing a lot of it!

Shindou: I have better taste than you! I don't see anyone making posts about how stupid *I* look on that journal thing! *leans against wall and glares at closed dressing room door* You owe me lunch now.

Touya: Fine. I was going to take you out anyway. And speaking of... *comes out of the changing room wearing a purple button-down* ...I need to find a new suit or too as well.

Shindou: *stares in horror at Touya's choice of shirt* *clenches fists* Touya! *spins Touya around by his shoulders and marches him into the dressing room* Stop picking stuff like this! *angrily undoes the buttons, growing agitated with how many there are and finally yanks it over Touya's head* Keep your arms like that! *reaches for shirt HE picked out that ISN'T PINK* *steps closer* *pulls it more roughly than usual over Touya's head* *adjusts it down at the seams, stepping back to admire his handiwork* *smiles triumphantly* That looks much better! *stares a little bit longer* Um.

Touya: *blinks* ....Shindou.

Touya: .... *long pause* That was purple. Not pink. *lowers arms and gulps nervously*

Shindou: Pink, purple - same thing! *looks at the ceiling for a few seconds* *wonders if they heat the dressing rooms in the winter because his face feels a lot hotter than it did outside the room* Anyway... *steps back a little* You should wear things like that more. They make you look... *clears throat* ...Okay.

Touya: *blinks again and looks at it* It's... warm. At least.

Shindou: *takes a while to respond* Huh? Oh. Right. *glances at Touya* Well. I'll go outside and you can try on the rest. *waits awkwardly*

Touya: *takes deep breaths and wonders what just happened and why his brain feels like it's turned into miso soup and undresses and dresses slowly* The rest all fit, Shindou...

Shindou: *watches Touya undress* *realises he's watching* *closes his eyes tightly, enough to water* Okay! I believe you! Just get the shirts I picked out and leave the pink and purple ones here! *tries to edge his way out along the wall, but goes in the wrong direction and smacks into Touya* Ahhhhhhhhh!

Touya: O.O! *is kind of shirtless at the moment* Um.

Shindou: Move out of the way! *tries to avoid Touya or opening his eyes or touching Touya* *reaches for wall* *hand lands on Touya's shoulder instead* *blinks* *screams apologetically and bolts out the door* I'll be at the register!

Touya: ... *stares after him in shock, wondering vaguely if perhaps seeing him without a shirt was just THAT disgusting or something ;_;* Hmph! *mutters* If I put the pink and purple ones in between this sweatshirt and the jeans... *sneaks them in sneakily and goes out to actually buy them*

Shindou: *notices the shirts but doesn't say anything since he's trying to do whatever he can to avoid looking at Touya, at least for a little bit* *still feels weird* *tries to think of something to say* Buy me lunch now.

Touya: *hands the cashier his dad's credit card (used with permission, of course)* ...fine. Where?

Shindou: Let's go to NcDonald's! *is suddenly very hungry* *waits impatiently for transaction to complete, then tugs on Touya's hand* Come on, I saw one on the way here!

Touya: *twitches a little involuntarily* All right... I refuse to consume their sorry excuses for hamburgers and french fries though. Do they have salads, Shindou?

Shindou: *waves hand dismissively* Yeah, yeah - I'm sure they do. *stomach grumbles* *winces* *pulls Touya into NcDonald's and orders what he wants, leaning across to point out the salad menu to Touya so he can order* *doesn't realise he's probably invading Touya's personal space*

Touya: *...doesn't really mind even if he is and orders a salad and bottled water because he's a dork like that* How can you eat here so often?

Shindou: It's good! *leads Touya to table once their food is called* *unwraps hamburger and bites down* Mmm! 'if ith 'e beft!"

Touya: *makes a face and unwraps his fork spork thing* ...I see.

Shindou: *sips soda* Why, where do you usually eat?

Touya: At home. *carefully adds the right amount of dressing* Or if I can't, a nice ramen shop or similar.

Shindou: *blinks* Really? I didn't think you'd go to a place like that. *shrugs and eats some more*

Shindou: *clears his throat after one burger has been consumed* So. Do you want to play a game later?

Touya: Nice ones. Not the scummy ones. *takes a bite* I said I would play with you the other day, did I not?

Shindou: *downs some more soda* *looks out the nearest window* I wasn't sure if you were playing with someone else or not.

Touya: Not today. Not until Monday, actually. *looks out the window too* Shindou?

Shindou: Hmm? *wonders if it's going to rain or not* *looks at Touya after a few seconds* What?

Touya: You... *wants to say something about the changing room fiasco but realizes that he can't* don't really think that I look like a girl... do you? *congratulates himself on the save, but it's true that that was bugging him as well >.>*

Shindou: *stares at him, open-mouthed* *senses he shouldn't say "it's hard not to when you pick stuff like that to wear!"* *shrugs a little* Not really.

Touya: ...oh. Good. *frowns* It would bother me if you did.

Shindou: It would? *blinks* Why?

Touya: *glares over his cucumber* Because I am not.

Shindou: Okay fine, you're not. *watches Touya's face* ...Would it really bother you that much?

Shindou: Why would it bother me if I thought you were a girl?

Touya: *sighs* No. If someone thought you looked like a girl. Keep up, Shindou.

Shindou: Oh. *thinks for a second* But that would never happen. I dress like a guy, remember?

Touya: So do I! Just... in a different way!

Shindou: *stares at him with an face* No, Touya.

Touya: Yes!

Shindou: *resists urge to facepalm* Anyway, don't worry about it. I know you're a guy, so relax!

Touya: You're sure? You don't ever get confused?

Shindou: *frowns* What do you mean? I know you're a boy, Touya! I'm not stupid!

Touya: *skewers a tomato* I believe you. Thank you. :] *eats it*

Shindou: *is wondering why he's being asked all these questions* *stretches a little* *eyes widen when he realises he's hit Touya's foot with his own* ...Sorry.

Touya: It was an accident. Don't worry about it. *subconsciously moves his feet* Accidents happen.

Shindou: Do they? Oh. *bites into second burger* Where should we go after this? Did you want to come over or what?

Touya: *nods* Like the... accident in the dressing room. I'm sorry about that. But it was mostly your fault.

Shindou: What? *feels like he's in the middle of a furnace again* It wasn't my fault! If you knew how to dress yourself, I wouldn't have had to come in there with you!

Touya: I was dressing myself just fine, thank you. You are awfully pushy, sometimes, Shindou. Why is your face red?

Shindou: No you can't! So what if I am?! Shut up! It's just...they probably turned the heater on! *forces lots of fries into his mouth to gnaw on angrily*

Touya: ... *eats for a while in silence* Why did you run away...?

Shindou: *chokes a little* *swallows soda to clear his throat* I didn't run! *flushes a little* Besides they probably have rules against going into the dressing room with other people. I didn't want to get in trouble!

Touya: *blankly stares at his salad* They didn't. There was a sign saying that shoplifting is a crime and that they would persecute, but no sign about... that.

Shindou: Oh. *tries to think of another reason* Well. I thought you needed your privacy.

Touya: Clearly you weren't concerned with that until after you ran into me without my shirt on.

Shindou: ...!!! *kicks Touya under the table* Don't say stuff like that out loud!

Touya: Ow! Why not?

Shindou: Because! It makes it sound like...

Shindou: *avoids Touya's eyes to chew more of his rapidly-disappearing hamburger*

Touya: Like?

Shindou: *pretends he doesn't hear*

Touya: *kicks back* Like?

Shindou: Ouch! *kicks Touya extra-hard* Don't kick me! *drops his hamburger onto his plate and glares at Touya* *looks to the left, then the right* *leans in* ...Like we're... *falters a little* ...Like we're doing...things.

Shindou: Which we weren't!

Touya: Don't kick me, either! *pauses and blinks* What? Things?

Shindou: *coughs* Things Waya said.

Touya: ...oh. Like... *whispers* going out?

Shindou: ...!!!!!!! *absolutely refuses to look anywhere near Touya* Yeah, like that! *is fake-angry, but mostly just embarrassed*

Touya: Oh.

Touya: But we weren't.

Touya: And we aren't.

Touya: So it shouldn't matter, right Shindou?

Shindou: *sulks* I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Touya: *sits back and sulks a bit too* All right. Do you... do you still want to play Go...?

Shindou: Of course I do. *sulks only a little more before finally looking at Touya again* Where do you want to play?

Touya: I don't mind. Location is irrelevant.

Shindou: Fine, then you're coming over. It's more comfortable there. *finishes food* Are you ready?

Touya: *smiles at what remains of his salad* Yes. Let's go, Shindou. :]

logs: shindou

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