Kwantlen is the lord of the free giveaways! That's just some of the stuff I got for free today (most of it came in a box).
Free Stuff Includes:
- Moisturizer
- Candy
- Mr. Noodles
- Mints
- Gum
- Tylenol
- Instant Coffee
- Shampoo
- Dish Soap
- Razor
- Deodorant
- Post Its
- Reactine
- A Burger
- Cotton Candy
- An Agenda
- Sunscreen
- Balloons!
Kwantlen is kickass as far as I'm concerned right now. Oh and its not a college anymore, its a university, so even though I keep saying college, its not. I saw 3 people I knew from elementary school there, as well as numerous people from high school and other schools that I just randomly knew. None of them was in my orientation group but I made friends with a neat girl named Julie. Her demeanor was so soft and gentle, yet she listens to Radiohead, has piercings and tattoos and works at the Ferry Terminal. She wants to be a Dental Hygenist! She intrigued me very much so!
I still need to get my student ID and my books (god help me) and I'm thinking about dropping by the Career Counselling Center to help me decide what I want to do with my life~ Just got off the phone with Rae, might see her and Joseph today. Tomorrow is a Reunion party with people from high school. I hope it goes alright.