From Twitter 10-15-2010

Oct 16, 2010 03:05

  • 01:40:58: this is SO AWFUL but the kids are so awesome:
  • 01:41:22: laughing because omg zombies, crying because these kids are SCARED and CRYING and I feel so bad for them BUT THEY WERE BEATING THAT ZOMBIE
  • 01:41:59: The little boy was just going apeshit while the big sister was doing her best to plot traps and quietly get all the shit ready
  • 01:42:11: Apeshit as in BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THE ZOMBIE AND TAUNT IT
  • 01:43:13: The big sister doesn't get enough credit - door trap, stickytape trap, TABASCO TRICK, and SUFFOCATE ZOMBIE WITH SARAN WRAP
  • 01:43:39: though the latter, zombie-wise, is useless in terms of air intake, but it does prevent bites and zombification
  • 11:56:06: no more Charlie Brooker writing for the Guardian for a while now. :( I wait eagerly for his return
  • 11:57:42: i put my bowl on top of the cat, and he just gave me a reproachful look.
  • 15:33:05: Have replacement 3gs now :3 need to wait few more hours to get it home & update the os. But now, haircut and dinner with dad
  • 15:34:04: Am going for rihanna sidebob. I will eviscerate anyone who asks if it is a Gosselin.
  • 18:41:26: okay OW somehow i managed to gouge the INNER WEB OF MY PINKY TOE at my dad's
  • 18:41:50: didn't find out until I got home until my dad's and took of my shoes to find that little space was covered in blood o_O
  • 18:49:48: i could listen to Jon Hamm narrate the plot of Angry Birds all day
  • 19:04:05: so i have deduced that it is 'Dogtown' from 15th to 17th street, and from 18th onward thru to 22nd station, it's 'Cat Street'
  • 19:04:18: I wish I were exaggerating
  • 19:08:03: NPH BABIES D: D: <33333
  • 22:03:48: This episode of SPN was like 2-in-1 and had BEST CG EVARRRRR!1
  • 22:04:22: Dear America: Scotland is not, in fact, entirely littered with castles for every Angus McBupkis there is.
  • 22:04:54: It'd be entirely more accurate if it were raining, had some sheep in the background, and a bearded old man wearing a dirty mac.
  • 22:06:40: wat? You're a lolita newbie, and dropped $650+ on dubious quality stuff from F+F that look like 'mature ita' at best
  • 22:06:59: You could have gotten way better shit for the amount you paid, jesus christ.
  • 22:08:39: I can't see why you'd be all 'Yay positive review' when half the stuff you got was NOT what you wanted and didn't fit
  • 22:08:45: why are standards so low jesus
  • 23:28:18: So I guess being angry and baller about my soup meant SOUP KARMA. D: I burnt the soup while reheating it ... had to waste so much food
  • 23:28:48: And have to do a second scouring of the pot bottom when my arms recover from the first round. I'm just gonna sit here and eat Twix
  • 23:29:13: Really hate how despite the stuff inside looking fine, it just smelled and tasted of ash. CHEMICAL PHYSICS DAMN YOU
  • 23:33:54: I'm cheering myself up with videos of bad bitches snatching wigs and being fierce. ;_; I want to dress up and just go all out
  • 23:38:08: see, this is why I should never ever mention I was having a Nice Day - bad shit happens not long after D: stupid positive fbook status

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