From Twitter 10-11-2010

Oct 12, 2010 03:04

  • 15:45:15: Example of how classy Metrotown is: Tim hortons line = 30 ppl deep, 4 ppl wide. Starbucks = 10.
  • 15:45:58: I hate this mall during holidays
  • 20:25:54: watching QI, greatly enjoy how Stephen asked 'What is the ideal man?' and Jo says 'A dead one.' Love how the cheers are all very female.
  • 22:43:32: righto, ordered iphone accessories from -3- different sellers because a) I am cheap, and b) but still have standards
  • 22:43:53: It's pretty bad, getting 1 thing from each seller for all under $2.50 each *shifty look*
  • 22:44:15: also: cat stunk up my room
  • 23:57:38: man i had no idea until now that Lucy Liu has freckles. D: Her makeup folk always shoop or cover it up. She's like 100x cuter with them too

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