You're an exceptionally intelligent person, driven with clear goals, and a clear path on which you are going, however, your ability to see beyond yourself is a little lacking. You've killed more moods then a 40-year-old Sailormoon Cos-player with no underwear. There are times where I enjoy your company greatly and there are times I would crawl out of my own skin to get away from your negative vibes that some days no amount of attempts to comfort you will dispel. I know I am not the only one who feels this, I'm just the one that is telling you. I've tried to be honest with you before, and I like to think those dark times at the beginning of your relationship with most of us have some bating on your decision, because I only wish to help you along your road. Many of us, out of respect for you, have tried not to upset you when you are already upset or causing us some frustration. Thusly, no one has said anything. I suck as a diplomat, it is not my job, but fucking hell, if I have to be, it's not going to be pretty. I still wish to be your friend, but tone down on the teenager attitude. If this upsets you and you do not wish to be friend, I'll understand. Might be a bit hurt, but I'll understand.
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