Sep 22, 2009 19:16

I keep getting headackes and leg pain then my heart beats slow sice tuesday and i dont know if its because I have eaten something I am alergic to or I have to eat something that will make me feel better. The funny thing is I feel better at college because I drink Irn bur there all the time but soon as I have not drank any for more than 2 hours I sart to get these things. So I cant sleep and it driving me nuts. Set from that its been a good month got my tattoo and every one at college lovs it and I actually got a lot of people to go to the tattoo place for theres. So~~~~ go me ow and I was a teacher for a day.XD~~
So I will get my cam from my bro this weekend and take a picture of my tattoo to show.x3

Totally need to get stuff donr tomorrow xxxxx
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