Aug 14, 2010 07:53

No I didn't get the CD yet (T_T)

HAHA JK I FINALLY GOTS IT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG.  TODAY HAS BEEN THE BEST.Err. Well, actually from 3pm yesterday to 6am today^^
First of all, yesterday was friday the 13th right?  So me and my friends decided to watch a scary movie (watched haunting in connecticut, bytheway)
And while we were waiting for everyone to come,, we did some fun stuff:)  And apparently,  all my friends love the Pretty Little Liars show:D  (but nobody cares about this stuff in a Arashi community:P)

My dad then came home with the mail.  I saw this bulky package and FREAKED.  Well, inside.  I had guestsXD  I hid it in the corner,,  Because I didn't want to freak out my friends with my reaction^^;;

And then, we talked ALOT about stuff.  Especially girl stuff and life.  It was pretty funXD
After that, we played TekkenXDDD  Girls are SERIOUSLY good at that!!  Not even kidding.  If I had to pick a videogame representative for the ladies, it would be tekkenXD.

THEN, we decided to sneak out!!  It was hilarious trying to hide from cars, even though we knew that if they saw us, they wouldn't care at allXDD
It was exciting and swear worthy at points, because we had to pass some pretty dark spots, and my friends have the CRAZIEST imagination^^;;

Also, it was the p--something meteoroid(?) shower so we layed in my backyard in the grass and stared at all the beautiful stars<3  (but the grass was wet...) We decided to get some food and blankets to lay on.  We had to get a few blankets because the grass was soo wet and soo cold.  An we fell asleep. 
Everyone (oh there was 4 of us) fell asleep pretty quick,, around 6:30ish Everyone was probably deep asleep.  10 min later,  the sprinklers turn onXDDDDD  And thats why i'm awake.  I forced my friends to help me bring the stuff in the laundry room.  They abandoned me to do all the work so I'm currently waiting for my blankets to dryXD  And while I was waiting,I opened my CD!!!!  It's so pretty.....


Well, I've been listening to CD1 this whole time, and i'm currently importing CD2 into my library so I haven't heard those yet.  But so far,  I like movin on and Matsujun's solo<333  But I wasn't paying that much attention, because I was too happy and excited to share my joy with the world~
Oh I also liked マダ上ヲ, and, well everything on the whole album, of courseXDD

arashi, rambling, boku no miteiru fuukei, pretty little liars, rl

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