(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 17:58

ok so a riddle and then some philosophy.
What word has eight letters but only one letter in it?

Terry Shaivo.
Kill the bitch, she's catholic, they say its against catholic doctrine to pull the tube. Guess what I'm catholic too, and my nanny had a feeding tube, we pulled it cause it was detracting from quality of life, which is AOK by the churches standards. Shaivo has been living for 13 years as a vegitable, it's time to Ice this cunt. She serves no purpose in society!

Look if you are all too afraid to pull it, or you think she's going to suffer, I will personally go over there and do it myself, 2 in the head on in the chest. I would do it for you or any of my friends, but they get a last beer. Look if im a vegitable, off me and carve me up so people can use my organs, my liver and lungs are shot though. kidneys too actually. but hey take it all! then cremate me. I would prefer to be shoved out of a C-130
and get a last jump in. then cremate me. take my ashes, divvy them up with all friends and family, and let them dispose of my remains as they see fit.
In the mean time, I feel that someone should go plant one between the eyes of every conservative superfuck who wants vegitable woman to live. She has been braindead for 13 years, she isn't coming back, you are wasting money and medical resources that could be dedicated to those who need it.

Dignity is bullshit, so she managed to keep her heart beating, with machinery! Who cares? is laying in a bed dignified? No! but it doesn't matter she is taking away from the greater good, and the parents are only prolonging her husbands and thier suffering. when they heard she was a carrot they should have pulled the plug and gotten over it.
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