[100 things] Declaration | 100 Adventures

Apr 12, 2012 23:59

It's better than a meme -- it's a challenge. From jdbracknell:

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life, 100 things

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Comments 32

mrstater April 13 2012, 04:12:58 UTC
"Adventures" has a very broad scope, doesn't it? It all depends on how you view your life. Good choice. ;) Seriously, I'll look forard to your posts! I'm thinking about doing this, but mine might be something completely predictable like 100 Cute Things My Kid Did.


shimotsuki April 13 2012, 04:28:28 UTC
It does sound like a giant cheat, doesn't it! :) But I actually have some structure in mind, because I played around with a few ideas for this, and wanted to do all of them (but was afraid of the '100' part). I think 'adventures' covers them all, though: posts where I make myself research a little and write about something I've always wanted to know more about, posts where I push myself to do something outside of my comfort zone, cooking/recipe posts, and even some travel writing, because (obviously these won't be as long, but) the travelogue post I wrote for an event at Pulped last year was incredibly fun to do.

You should join in! You could even do "100 Weird Conversations at Starbucks", lol.


mrstater April 13 2012, 04:33:40 UTC
One of my good friends used to always ask me, every day, "What adventures did you have?" It's a lovely way of looking at the world!

You should join in! You could even do "100 Weird Conversations at Starbucks", lol.

If I have that many conversations at Starbucks, I'll never get anything written. ;)

On the other hand, if I expand that to 100 Weird Conversations Around Town, I can include Walmart and that'll get me 100 really fast, LOL.


roh_wyn April 13 2012, 04:37:30 UTC
Just FYI, it doesn't have to be 100. It could be just 10, if you prefer.

I think you can probably come up with a pretty good set of "100 Strange Dreams I've Had". ;)


roh_wyn April 13 2012, 04:29:42 UTC
I like your open-ended use of the word "adventure." ;) Can't wait to see what you come up with.

I'm still floored by how fast and wide this meme has spread. I'm so proud of jdbracknell right now.


shimotsuki April 13 2012, 04:31:38 UTC
Open-ended is the way, lol. Otherwise the '100' was too scary...

I love that this idea has caught on so well. I can't wait to see what everyone starts posting. jdbracknell is an amazing catalyst for creativity.


hrymfaxe April 13 2012, 08:04:59 UTC
Oh yes, this sounds like a nice and openended theme to go with. :) I look forward to reading about your adventures!

I'm having a hard time coming up with something, that neither I nor my flist will tire off before the 20th post. ;)


gilpin25 April 13 2012, 16:22:49 UTC
100 good-looking Danish men for gilpin25?


hrymfaxe April 13 2012, 17:20:59 UTC
LOLOL I can promise you that there are really not that many! :)

Are you going to try it? I might have to think of something that can be split up, because 100 posts about the same thing, I'm afraid I'll end up boring myself. ;)


gilpin25 April 13 2012, 22:15:46 UTC
Ha, it would be fun to see how far you got, numbers-wise, before you ran out of suitable candidates!

My first ambition is to finish off the LJ post I started in February - in which amongst other highlights I mention Christmas - and see if anyone out there still cares. I've thought of a few possible subjects (unfortunately only you would read 100 horses, lol), but I did think about splitting it between books, films and TV programmes and why they've remained in my head.


gilpin25 April 13 2012, 16:25:37 UTC
'Adventures' makes me want to read on before you've written another word. :D Glad to see travel writing will be included as you must have loads of impressions and tales to tell.

Thank you for being sporadic. :) I will be soon.


shimotsuki April 14 2012, 01:25:31 UTC
I have low standards for 'adventure', though, especially if I'm going to get to 100. ;) But I'll try not to do one on "Adventures in grading midterm exams"...

I've been feeling all bad about the whiny missive I sent you last month. Things really are better now, for whatever reason, so don't mind me!


gilpin25 April 14 2012, 18:06:09 UTC
Things really are better now, for whatever reason, so don't mind me!

Good. :) But it makes me feel I can be whiny honest in return, so never worry.


zia_montrose April 13 2012, 23:51:09 UTC
I really like the looks of this challenge -- and it's so flexible I might even stand a chance of doing it right now.

I'll look forward to reading your personal adventures, which I always enjoy, as they vary from geology to culinary and more.


shimotsuki April 14 2012, 01:27:08 UTC
Yes, flexible is good! Especially the part about no deadlines, heh.

What's that saying? "Come to the Dark Side, as we have cookies"? ;)


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