[HP drabble] Unexpected

Jan 20, 2012 10:06

Now that I'm finished with my Meta project and certain evil work projects that shall not be named, I can start taking part in some of the other writing events that are going on around LJ these days. So I jumped on the wagon at day_by_drabble with this:
  • Unexpected (380 words | G | post-DH AU, but not my usual one ;) )
    Al Potter has a very odd encounter with a stranger in a Muggle bookshop.
And for any woolly_mittens wondering why the heck I'm doing Potter drabbles and not Hot Chocolates, I have to admit the wonderful Hot Chocolates posted on the very first week terrified me with their amazing creativity. Ever since then, on the few weeks when I've even had time to think about writing one, I've been too intimidated. But I'd better start stepping up for my team, so I hereby pledge to break the ice and post a Hot Chocolate this week. Even if it's really stupid.

drabbles, au, genfic, day_by_drabble

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