[Drabbles, ficlets] 'Blue Skies' posts

Jul 18, 2011 11:13

The Blue Skies Drabblethon at day_by_drabble is up and running! There have been a lot of posts, many in fandoms I don't know (and some I'd never even heard of -- who'd have thought that there would be a fandom specifically for the 2010 Alice In Wonderland?). And new folks are still welcome to join if anyone wants to take a shot at a drabble or thirty, 'drabble' being defined as up to 1000 words for the purposes of the comm.

I've actually managed to post something for all of the first three prompts, although I don't think I'll be able to keep it up, since the next few weeks are going to have their share of distractions (example: tonight I'm meeting jadeddiva to see a Certain Movie).

Harry Potter -- Not that I'm being sappy about Remus/Tonks under the influence of DH-2, or anything *cough*. The AU one is actually a plotbunny I'd had in mind for a couple of years.
    The Colours of War (187 words | PG | DH)
      Character(s)/Pairing(s): Remus(/Tonks), Teddy
      Summary: War is grey. But, sometimes, life is not.
    House and Home (997 words | PG | AU, May 1998)
      Character(s)/Pairing(s): Remus/Tonks, Kingsley, Andromeda
      Summary: Remus wonders if the post-war world will finally give his little family a chance to make a home of their own.
Vorkosigan -- I obviously can't wait for the Ficathon to start, lol. Not a lot of Vorkosigan fans at day_by_drabble, though, it seems.
    Pyrotechnics (285 words | PG | post-Memory; no major spoilers)
      Character(s)/Pairing(s): Simon/Alys
      Summary: Alys and Simon have better things to do this year than attend Gregor's fireworks display.

warp_and_weft, drabbles, vorkosigan_series, ficlets, remus/tonks, day_by_drabble

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