2010 writing in review

Jan 01, 2011 18:14

I really don't know where 2010 went...too, too fast. And I didn't have as much time for writing this year as I would have liked. But I did manage to get a few things written.

Last January's resolutions for 2010 were: This will be the year I finish "All Will Be In Order," and it's always a goal to be working on "Kaleidoscope"; maybe I can finish the OotP part? I'd also like to write more Chalion or Vorkosigan, especially if there's a ficathon again this summer. And more original fiction, even if only a little.

Hmph. I didn't manage to finish "Order"...I did finish Chapter 5, and then I came pretty close to finishing the final chapter in February, but after that it got put on the back burner. On the other hand, I made progress on "Kaleidoscope," wrote both Chalion and Vorkosigan fic, and even wrote a little original fiction, so I guess 2010 was a success overall.

Writing resolutions for 2011: Finish "Order." Make progress on "Kaleidoscope" (any chance I could finish it this year?). Write something more action-ish or plotty for Chalion or Vorkosigan, because so far I've written exclusively short character-study pieces in those fandoms.

2010 fic posts

Harry Potter
  • "All Will Be In Order" (Remus-centric genfic, featuring Sirius and Molly)

    Chapter 5: The Full Moon (3421 words | PG/mild profanity) Remus transforms, Sirius succumbs to a foul mood, and Molly is not the only Order member who is forced to confront uncomfortable questions.

  • "Kaleidoscope" installments (canon R/T series)

    To See Clearly (4293 words | PG) Remus risks his position in the pack, and maybe even his life, in a final attempt to stop Greyback's werewolves from aligning with the Death Eaters. And it seems he may be making another last, desperate stand as well. [For the Summer Hallows Jumble at metamorfic_moon.]

    One Step Forward (3510 words | PG) The day after some robe-shaking in the Hogwarts hospital wing, Remus goes to have dinner with Tonks, still fighting second thoughts.

    Clearing the Table (2914 words | PG) Andromeda had always hoped that Nymphadora would bring someone special home for dinner someday, but when that day comes, her daughter’s choice of guest is quite a shock.

    Moving Forward (2847 words | PG-13/intimate situations) Remus has come home, but Tonks needs to work out how they can fit themselves together again.

  • "Warp and Weft" pieces (postwar AU R/T denial-fic)

    Losing Things (705 words | G) Remus finds he's been losing things lately, but that may not be so terrible after all. [For the Summer Hallows Jumble at metamorfic_moon.]

    Independent Research (1612 words | PG) Teddy has been doing some reading on his own about dangerous magical creatures. Remus really shouldn't have been surprised when the questions started.
  • Chronicle (990 words | PG | pre-Curse of Chalion) Dy Lutez is dead. What is left that Ista can do? [For the Gods' Delight event at chalion_ibra.]

  • Full Circle (350 words | PG) Bergon's surprise catches Cazaril entirely off-guard. [For the 2010 Ficathon at bujold_fic.]
  • Protocol (300 words | PG | Simon/Alys | Memory) Simon makes an uncharacteristic slip, with unexpected consequences.

  • Study Abroad (760 words | PG | A Civil Campaign) After her student year on Beta Colony, Kareen finds that she has as many questions for Cordelia as Cordelia has for her. [For the 2010 Ficathon at bujold_fic.]

  • Fragile (230 words | PG | Diplomatic Immunity) On the day his twins are born, Miles comes to understand something new about his father.
Original writing (at pulped_fictions)
Various (drabbles)

index, drabbles, year_in_review, vorkosigan_series, chalion, remus/tonks, stories

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