[Warp and Weft update] Losing Things

Aug 17, 2010 23:50

Using my fall icon today (even though it's still nasty-hot outside), because this is, unbelievably, my last week before classes start -- the last chance to really focus on getting writing done, be it work writing or fic writing. Eeep!

I did manage to post a fluffy little Remus/Tonks AU ficlet at metamorfic_moon, for the Summer Hallows Jumble event. (I've got a longer piece in progress as well, another installment of Remus dealing with the werewolf pack -- fingers crossed that I'll be able to pull it together in time.)
  • Losing Things (705 words | G)
    Remus finds he's been losing things lately, but that may not be so terrible after all.
Also, I'm a little late with this, so everybody reading here may know about it already, but I did want to help publicize the debut of chalion_ibra, a new community moderated by katyhasclogs and katyscarlett76, for discussion and events related to LM Bujold's Curse of Chalion series. At the moment, there's a weekly read-along and discussion of Curse of Chalion going on -- people are making lots of excellent points (and staying generally spoiler-free for later sections of the book).

warp_and_weft, chalion, metamorfic_moon, stories

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