Who needs a chaptered fic when you can have a series?

Jun 28, 2007 17:40

So the thing is, I started (sporadically) working on my Grand Saga of R/T a full year ago, intending to write a multi-chaptered, internally coherent fic about how Remus and Tonks meet, agonize, and finally get together. It was the first major fanfic plan I ever hatched, even though I've written and posted (several!) other things since starting this eternal WIP.

But then last January I started posting parts of the Grand Saga, and/or writing up parts of it especially to post, at rt_challenge. Okay, fine, think of them as teasers, and incorporate them back into the coherent chaptered thing at a later time, right? Sure.

Only, then came the spring challenges at metamorfic_moon. Now I've got R/T stories that are part of the same time period (and character development trajectory) as the Grand Saga, but for POV reasons they can't be anything but stand-alone pieces. Hrmm. And meanwhile, I've been coming to the conclusion that I may be more cut out for ficlets and one-shots than large fics, at least given my current opportunities for writing.

Then it hit me: I should do the Grand Saga as a series! Then I can write up and even post pieces of it out of order, as inspiration strikes or challenge prompts become relevant. And I can indulge my love of short fics while still making progress on my overall story arc. Ah...I feel so free...

So, let me present: Kaleidoscope. There's nothing new there yet (except for its Official Status as a Series), but the ficlets I'm working on for the Showdown at metamorfic_moon will fit right in, so I will actually (*gasp*) make progress on the darn thing in the next week or two. Yippee!

remus/tonks, kaleidoscope, wip

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