[Chalion ficlet] Home

Nov 30, 2009 01:12

A belated happy birthday to katyhasclogs! I hope this is the kind of thing you had in mind...

Home (600 words | PG)
  • Prompt: Cazaril, sometime between Chalion and Paladin
  • Summary: Cazaril has realized that after he marries Betriz, they will need a place to live. The obvious solution is not, unfortunately, the easiest one.
  • Author’s note: Being away from ( Read more... )

chalion, ficlets, stories

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Comments 16

katyhasclogs November 29 2009, 21:50:25 UTC
Oooh yay!

I loved this, particularly the idea of Dy Jironal as 'a pebble on the beach of history', Ista being very wise, Caz being completely surprised by the idea of children (bless) and all of them reading him like a book.

Thank you - it's lovely. :)


shimotsuki November 30 2009, 00:15:08 UTC
Thanks! I'm so glad you liked this.

I'm not sure I meant Cazaril to be surprised at the thought of children -- I suspect that sort of thing has been very much on his mind lately -- but rather, I was attempting to show that the idea of raising them in the house where the dy Jironals had lived is the worst sticking point for him here. [ETA: I see -- it's the question mark that does it. Changing that now! Thank you.]

Anyway, this particular problem about Caz and the house has been on my mind for a while; surely he would need to live there, and surely he would hate the idea. So it was fun to have a chance to play around with it. :)


mrstater November 30 2009, 03:54:43 UTC
Aw, Caz fic! I've been missing these two lately, and this really hit the spot! I hadn't thought about the fact that they'd necessarily get the quarters where dy Jironal had lived, but this is totally a Caz way of thinking about it. Love how Ista talked him around! And little dy Cazarils -- Aw!


shimotsuki November 30 2009, 04:55:26 UTC
Aw, thanks! I'm glad it hit the spot. :)

I don't have my books at hand, unfortunately, but I'm thinking if both dy Lutez and dy Jironal lived in that house, it might be something all the chancellors would typically do. (Even if dy Lutez wanted to use the secret passage for reasons other than his job, lol.) And poor Caz doesn't have many other choices, although I suppose it might not be out of the question for Iselle to give him (or Betriz!) a house as a wedding present if necessary.

And little dy Cazarils -- Aw!



philomytha November 30 2009, 14:00:34 UTC
Oh, I like this! I never thought of Cazaril moving into dy Jironal's house, but it makes perfect sense and fits into canon so well. I realy liked Ista's role here, with her consoling Caz after the ending of CoC. Also, sort-of-secret passages are great! Lovely!


shimotsuki November 30 2009, 14:15:50 UTC
Thank you! It was fun to write.

I'm away from home just now, so I don't have access to my books to check, but I really thought I remembered there being reference to a particular house that the chancellors used (with that secret passage) -- different from the dy Jironal family home.

And thanks for the kind words about Ista. I like the way she and Cazaril have understood each other ever since he came to tell her about Teidez, and I wanted to build on that here.


philomytha November 30 2009, 14:25:22 UTC
I just looked it up and there is reference to a not-quite-secret passage between the palace and the chancellor's home. Ias and Arvol allegedly used it to visit each other for trysts.


shimotsuki November 30 2009, 14:30:27 UTC
Thanks for checking! That was exactly what I thought I remembered (whew) -- I mean, that the house with the secret passage of tryst fame was associated with the office of the chancellor, and wasn't just dy Lutez's (or dy Jironal's) personal house.


blcwriter November 30 2009, 14:04:51 UTC
Lovely. I do love Ista's wisdom-- and Caz's being confused and concerned over something so very material after so many spiritual doings.


shimotsuki November 30 2009, 14:18:54 UTC
That's a nice point about material versus spiritual problems; I hadn't thought about it that way, but between the wedding and his new position at court, Caz will have lots of concrete problems to solve for a while!

Thanks for reading, and for your comments.


bookish_brownie November 30 2009, 14:49:08 UTC
This was very enjoyable; I love post-Chalion moments. Everyone was nicely in character, and the situation seems fitting. It's wonderful to see Caz happy, with a future ahead of him.


shimotsuki November 30 2009, 16:13:48 UTC
Thank you! I like the little glimpses of Cazaril that we get from Ista's perspective in Paladin. And he certainly deserves some happiness after all he's been through.


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